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It took us a while to get the hang of the maze of a castle, so when we did, we managed to meet another foe. I think.

His name was Rouxls Kaard, and he was assigned "Duke of Puzzles". Though he seemed to think his puzzles were hard, they really weren't.

But he didn't mind as we went to his store. He explained that he babysat Lancer, he didnt like Lancer's MP3, and Lancer always called him "Lesser Dad". He didn't seem to like Lancer very much, but still worried for him.

We still had to hide from the guards as they'd probably send us back to our cell.

We entered the Throne room. It was very much damaged. The throne was squashed, like someone struggled to sit and was overweight after settling. Then there were decorative banners that we're torn, and gold pieces and jewelry in piles around d the throne.

We walked off to the next room to find we were near to the king. We walked down the corridor until we saw Lancer. Susie was about to call out to him until he walked up to a tall and plump shadowed man.

"Father!" Lancer called.

"Son, have you gotten rid of the lighteners as asked?" His voice was deep and rough.

"W..Well no. But you don't have to fight them!" He grinned.

"They said they'd just talk to you. Ooh, I think you'd all get along really well. There's this purple girl Susie-" King cut him off midway.

"Lancer, you have become attached. You must free your mind. They've ruined you." He grumbled.

"What? No they haven't-" Lancer denied profusely.

"Silence, son!" He picked Lancer up by his neck and the shadow left his body.

"Where are they now!?" He yelled.

"Let Lancer go!" Susie yelled angrily. He finally noticed us, and when he did, he chuckled, amused.

"You've come straight to me. You want me to let him go?" He loosened his grip on Lancer tauntingly.

"Bow down to me and learn you place." He ordered harshly.

Susie and I hesitated until King moved closer to the edge.

"I'll drop him, and you'll get to see him splatter," He said threateningly.

We kneeled on the floor, on guard. "N-No, don't. H-He's just.." Lancer breathed out.

I watched as King summoned three spades in front of each of us.

"Now son, watch as these lighteners really learn their places." King growled menacingly. I closed my eyes and spawned a bone, sending it flying towards King. Before he could react it had already hit him and he dropped Lancer, startled.

Lancer didn't think twice before running off behind us.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU LIGHT SCUM DARED TO ATTACK ME!?" King screamed in raging anger.

We were all stood now as he scanned us. His eyes settled on mine and he narrowed them, sending a deadly glare my way.

"You." Suddenly a tail with a spade on its end came flying out and grabbed me. My cloak tore off of me in the process and my arms and legs were now bare. A strapless dress that stopped at my mid thighs was now shown.

The spade tail brought me back to King and dropped me onto the concrete. I felt an attack resonating so I summoned blue attack bones through King's body to stop him.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now