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kris' pov

I jolted up in a cold sweat. My heart pumped loudly through my chest and my breathing was heavy. I looked around and it was still dark.

I took a deep breath and fell back onto the bed. Taking a few breaths to calm down, I looked around.

Asriel's side never changes. Trophies and medals lined up neatly. His glow in the dark stickers glowed faintly from where I looked over from.

He comes back next week for his break. Too bad he missed Halloween. We could of went trick or treating together. Then again, I forgot about it to be honest. Halloween on a school day tends to make you forget.

Then I thought back to Y/N. I'm angry about what Berdly had done to her. Now she has a large bruise in the center of her forehead.

It must of hurt a lot. Susie and I were freaking out when she left the classroom and Ms Alphys didn't even do anything to do about it.

Then again, me and Susie didn't do anything about it.

A few hours later I managed to sleep some more, but I realised I went back to sleep at seven in the morning. The time mom would come and wake me up.

The curtains were closed, and my eyes were half-closed, staring at nothing in particular. I was drifting off when the door knob was messed with and mom came in with a smile.

"Good morning Kris! Wake up, you have another day of school ahead of you!" She giggled and I saw light invade into my room.

There was no sunlight, meaning today was just going to be a regular cloudy day.

"I'm heading to school early to mark some test papers, make sure you aren't late." I heard her footsteps pad across the floor and exit my room.

Once I heard the distant close of the door, I lazily got up and stretched. Hearing my bones pop made me sigh.

"Another day of hell," I mumbled. But at least Y/N and Susie would be around.

I grabbed a sweater, a pair of brown jeans, some underwear and a towel and went downstairs.

I turned to the bathroom and set my clothes down on the toilet seat. I messed with the bath knobs until the After started running. I got in the shower, not caring if the water was freezing.

It slowly warmed up and I washed myself off, getting out after I finished. I slid on my clothes and went to the kitchen. I made a bowl of Rice Krispies. I ate the bowl, placed it Inthe sink and exited the house.

I walked silently, hands in pockets. Through my wet hair, I looked around at the town, hearing the wind howl. My hair flew in all kinds of directions as I walked. I wouldn't be surprised if I caught a cold right now.

"What up, bitch!?" Came a scream from beside me. I twisted my neck and watched Susie grin widely.

"Hi Susie," I greeted and turned back to my front again.

"So are we going back to the Dark World again? I'm getting bored around here. Work is no fun," She whined childishly.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged.

"Cool. Oh look, there's Y/N," She pointed to my other side of me and I turned and saw Y/N all the way across the road. She wore a F/C hoodie (the hood up), black sweatpants and black sneakers.

"Y/N!" Susie screamed. She turned her head towards us and waved. Susie firmly gripped my wrist and raced across the road to where Y/N stood.

I sucked in a small breath and slightly winced at the pain in my wrists.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now