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kris' pov

After a while of following Lancer and Susie around, they eventually started a battle with us. At this point Y/N was already awake and dodging as well as me.

They gave up when Lancer grew kinder towards us from Ralsei's persuasive words.

Then Susie rejoined the party, Lancer along with her. That brings us to now.

"You've never tried the Candy from the tree?" Susie asked Lancer, surprised.

"No.. I'm not allowed to pick Candy from the trees." He admitted. I watched as Susie looked at the candy and hesitantly handed it over to Lancer.

"Here, you have it." She mumbled.

"But aren't you hungry?" He answered nervously.

"Just take it before I change my mind." She grumbled. She handed if over to Lancer and he ate it. We walked on and Susie asked him what it tasted like after about ten minutes.

"Hmm.. it kinda tastes like friendship." He replied.

"Friendship? What does that taste like?"

"I dunno.."

We continued after that and the castle showed up in the distance. Lancer began to get suspicious after that.

I had a feeling he wasn't quite telling us something important. That thought was soon useful as he began stuttering.

"U-u-uh I-I... gotta blast!" He ran (floated?) off towards the direction of the castle.

"Hey! Lancer, wait! What's wrong!?" She chased after him, as we paced after her. She was pretty fast, leaving us behind in her dust. Literally.

As she ran, I don't know if she noticed or not, but Darkners began filing room after room, attack after attack until we made it to the doors of the castle.

Lancer stood by the doors, seemingly unaffected by the amount of guards around him. He did look guilty from some odd reason though. Susie looked slightly confused and angered.

It took me a few seconds to realise, but before I could say it aloud in my mind, I was knocked out by their attacks.

y/n's pov

My eyes slowly fluttered open to meet with Kris'. His eyes... they're really pretty. A dark crimson. They held pain in them. No wonder he covers his eyes. He doesn't want anyone to know what he's going through. Not that I know what he's going through.

Subconsciously, my hand raised to meet his cheek, and I rubbed just underneath his eye with my thumb softly.

I felt his cheek tighten. He was clenching his jaw. This must be awkward for him...

I quickly retracted my hand and my cheeks warmed up. "S-sorry... Did I make you uncomfortable?"

I sat up carefully and stretched my aching body, hearing my bones pop. I slightly cringed. My bones are a little more... delicate than the normal.

"N-No! It's just... No one's ever touched me so... intimately." He emphasised the word in a way like he hadn't known what it was before.

"O-oh..." I breathe out.

"Are you two having fun over there?" I heard a chipper voice chirp. I whipped around so fast, I may as well have got whiplashed.

There Ralsei sat, hiding a cheeky smile behind his bright pink scarf. I felt my cheeks increase in heat so I turned away, embarrassed.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now