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I was going to help Kris up, but he beat me to it.

"Follow me." He muttered. His voice was strained, and I didn't quite know if he was mad or upset. I followed him anyway.

"Come on, freaks." Susie grumbled. So she did see me. They both walked at a fast pace while I was slow, about ten feet behind them, in no rush.

"... New girl, why you so slow? We've got things to do, places to be."

I kept my figure behind them and didn't say anything.

"Don't tell me your just like Kris!" She groaned.

"I'm in no rush to get a piece of chalk." I kept it at that and Susie went silent.

We got to the storage room and everything just seemed dark. The aura was dark as well as the corridor being dark too.

"W-Why is it so weird around here?" She stuttered? Interesting.

I came to a stop behind Kris and looked past the two teens to see the storage door open, a dark void on the other side.

"Kris aren't you gonna go in?" He stepped backwards until he bumped into me.

"Sorry.." He mumbled under his breath.

"It's fine." I reply.

"Wimps! Are both of you scared?" She screamed in a whisper.

I placed my hands in my pockets and walked around the two into the room. Papers were scattered messily onto the floor in a vertical row. I heard footsteps behind me, indicating that the two both were behind me.

"Not so scary, right?" I ask.

None of them answered. I walked in further and further, not seeing a light switch or feeling a wall.

"I think this storage room is.. broken? I-I can't feel any walls." Susie's voice cracked slightly.

We all should've left by then. Susie already knew, and raced towards the door. I think we all knew this wasn't good. But by the time she got to the door, it slammed shut and we couldn't see anything but the papers on the floor.

"This is a prank. It must be a prank!" Susie hollered.

"I think we both know it's not, Susie." The ground began to shake violently.

"An earthquake?" Susie mumbled. We all backed up, me being the furthest in the room. I heard cracking sounds. Before I could figure out what it was, I felt the ground below me disappear.

Susie screamed out and me and Kris were just silent. Like this didn't affect us at all.

So we fell.

•  v  •

"Mommy... why are you leaving me?"

"Because... baby girl.. now it's your time to shine. You're time to rise, and figure out what you were meant to do in this world."

"... what am I meant to do, mommy?"

"That's for you to figure out, baby. Just remember, we love you, and don't forget."

. .

My eyes fluttered open, and I felt my head resting on something comfortable. I lifted my arm up and rubbed my eyes, realising I had some sort of glove on. They were white skin-tight gloves that stopped at my wrist.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now