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I was still in the same spot as before when I woke up. I guess I really am irrelevant. I can't understand Susie forgetting, but Kris?

This is what happens when you become the least bit dependent. I got up and stretched my body. I ascended the stairs leading to the castle doors and found it empty. I walked to the door and also found it locked.

I headed back to where we were first and saw a pathway leading to the east. I decided this is where they walked past. I was right. A wizard-looking dummy stood by itself with a smile. I saw a golden door, unopened. They just have closed it on their way.

I tried opening it, and it slid open with ease. I stepped through it and shut the door. I stepped into a dark field of hopes and dreams. It was silent, but every now and then I heard the synced footsteps of what I assumed were guards.

Realising I had a hood for my cloak, I flipped it over my head and moved off to the sides to blend into the darkness.

It's strange, I didn't seem to have a weapon, yet Frisk did. Susie clearly had one, being over-confident and all. My pencil was gone, but I still have my rusty cellphone. Why? I only have my mother's number, which is not needed.

But then again, I usually get these scary unknown phonecalls. I don't think it's a prank. But I've never figured out why I get the calls. At a time like this, I think I need to know why this phone is so important that it didn't disapear.

Minutes went by as I walked. Am I lost? Most certainly. Have I located the two adolescents? No, I have not. I saw notes on cardboard signs from someone named, Lancer.

Something about thrashing and being lost.. I don't know. I came across an accomplished puzzle, and stepped into another room. I eventually began hearing arguments between two people.

Not really hearing the voices, I walked towards the sound. I found Susie arguing with a little black monster. It was similar to the dummy I sawIt wore something similar to wizard's outfit, but green. It had a pink ragger scarf on, covering it's chin. It had green glasses and had fluffy ears.

"But it would be much easier to open the door if you helped!" Having a masculine voice, I was going to assume it was a boy.

"Ughh.. fine!" She groaned. The boy seemed to have satisfaction with the answer and suddenly music came up.

He sang out some words slowly, but dramatically. "Susie joined the party." Susie turned, Only to come face to face with me.

"New girl, where have you been?! You made me put up with this guy! I'd much prefer your annoying ass." She grumbled, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a room before. Was that supposed to be a compliment?

I saw Kris walk in with the monster from before. I took off my hood, being comfortable knowing I was with a group I knew.

Kris paced his way over to me and gave me a large hug. I was taken aback, and it seemed both the monsters were too.


"Please don't leave again.. I thought I lost you." He whispered. Loud enough for me to hear, but not the others.

I blinked as he let go, going back to his usual emotionless self. A tear dropped and he swiftly wiped it away. I pretended I didn't notice it. He probably didn't want me to see that.

"Oh! I'm Ralsei, the Dark Prince of the town you must of passed earlier!" He gave me a huge smile and I cracked him a forced smile.

"Y/N," I say. He nods and we proceed with the puzzle. I didn't really need to help, considering it only took three people to complete it.

We went to the next room and found a red checker piece bobbing up and down. Since everybody followed Kris, I decided to as well. He approached tge checker oiece and our surroundings went dark.

"What is that?" Susie asks.

"I dont know, but we shouldn't hurt it, it doesn't look frightening." Ralsei spoke.

"But it attacked us." Said Susie.

"Not really. Why don't we spare it?" Ralsei said again.

"No can do. I'm that 'strike first' person. She tried to strike it down with her axe but it ran away as she did.

"Awh great! It got away!"

"Phew, it ran away.." I heard Ralsei whisper with relief.

After that, we all continued on and went through the door. A cardboard shop appeared with a "Shop" sign. Ralsei, Susie and I waklked in and Kris stayed outside for a minute before entering behind us.

"Hee hee... welcome travellers." A purple and ginger cat-man greeted us. He seemed like the sneaky, but wise kind of monster. We learned his name was Seam, pronounced Shawm, and that creating this shop was only -and still is- a hobbie. He explained the reason for all of the chaos happening in the kingdom and why all of the "soldiers" are placed around so weirdly.

Kris purchased some Dark Candy, a few Darkburgers and a Spookysword. "Ha ha.. see you again... or not.. ha ha ha..." He chuckled. We exited the shop and continued.

We entered the next room and found a little blue, black and white chubby teardrop monster occupying it. "Well, flip my flapjacks!" He yelled..? "The clowns are back in town!"

"Since you only saw me seven minutes ago, I've already created a new fighting crew ready to stop you!-" He was cut off.

"Stop. Just stop." Susie cut in. All went silent for a few seconds before Susie continued. ""Ho ho ho"? What is that? Why are you saying that?"

"Ho ho ho?" He replied, seemingly unsure of what to do. "It's my evil laugh! It's scary, dont ya think?!" His voice held hopefulness, and excitement.

"You sound like a baby Santa Claus." She replied flatly.

".. Like in a badass way..?"

"Shut up." She moved past us and towards him. "You really think you know how to be scary?"

"Well... I... I..." He meekly replied.

"Wrong. Wannabe guys like you really piss me off." She growled. "Face it. You wouldn't know how to be scary... if it picked you up and bit your face off."

"T-Thats not true.." The point of his head drooped a bit as Susie continued.

"Oh really? Then why don't we prove it? First we'll start..." She paused and grabbed him by his... shirt? She grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him so he was eye level with her. "Where your face gets bit off?!" I couldn't see, but I bet she looked mean there. She began howling with laughter until teardrop boy began smiling goofily.

"Oh! I get it, thank you, Purplegirl! It was kind of you to teach me how to be scary with an evil laugh!"

"Hey I wasn't...-"

"And now..! You're going to be thrashed!" He began mimicking what seemed to be, Susie's evil laugh. A jigsaw piece appeared behind him and he floated away. Not before saying, "Merry Christmas!"

Susie walked behind us again and mumbled under her breath. "I guess thats kind of an improvement.."

•  v  •

i would totally write more, but i forgot what happens next since i relied on the actual game to continue from after we reunited with the group after sleeping.

i'm sorry i took so long. i started it a few days ago, i just forgot everything that happened during the game.

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