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kris' pov

Asriel came back on Sunday. It was pretty late, and at that point I was sleeping. It was a nice suprise, because when I realised I woke him up from my nightmare, he comforted me.

On Monday, I, of course, went to school, and Asriel stayed home. Susie and I went to the storage room to "look for" textbooks, when in actuality, we went back to the Dark world.

While Susie went to find Lancer, I searched for Ralsei. He wasn't in his castle, which surprised me. He was at Card Castle, with Lancer. Susie, Ralsei, Lancer and I all discussed what would happen to the fountain, and how we would seal it.

We still didn't have any clue what to do. As far as I know, we only need to have a human, a monster and a Prince of the dark. But everytime my soul seemed to resonate with the fountain, nothing would happen. It lead Ralsei to believe that we were missing something.

I don't think Susie really listened to us, since she and Lancer were scaring off the Darkners.

When we weren't in the Dark world, I was usually trying to spend as much time with Asriel as I could. He only comes when he has a school. Never on the weekends because that means he's spending to much money to journey here and back.

After school we would usually chill at the Diner, play Super Smashing Fighters, or go eat by the local swimming pool.

I remember introducing Asriel to Y/N after school on Tuesday. She looked as though she was uncomfortable around him in a way, and Asriel noticed that, so he lightened up around her just to make her feel comfortable.

When I walked her home, she told me he looked like Ralsei which surprised me. Ralsei and Asriel look nothing alike. Where did that sudden conclusion come from?

The next day I had to explain to her that they had no relation whatsoever. It did take a few hours of convincing, but it worked enough for her to believe that they weren't the same person. I noticed Susie hadn't said anything during the ordeal, but I left her alone.

As I got dressed, I saw Asriel sleeping, so I quietly made my way out of our room. I went to the kitchen and made some Rice Krispies for breakfast, finishing as fast as I could. Mom was still showering, so I took it upon myself to walk to school alone.

I opened and closed the door, walking out into the cold November weather. I could wear a jacket, but I was too lazy to get it. So I headed out to school alone.

•  v  •

I opened the door to the school entrance and walked around the corner, spotting Y/N and Susie standing by their lockers. I walked over to them and they seemed to be talking a lot more around eachother.

"Hey guys," My deep voice interrupted their conversation and I put a hand up to wave, stepping over to a random locker beside them and leaning on it.

"'Morning Kris." Y/N replied.

"Yo Kris, so we going to the Dark world today?" Susie's rough voice entered the atmosphere.

I thought for a few moments. Maybe Y/N could come with us today? It wasn't a particularly special day, but I didn't see why not.

"Yeah. Y/N, you wanna tag along?" I asked. She looked down for a few seconds and looked back up, shrugging.

"Of course."

"I'll go to the storage room now and call in sick. You guys can come whenever," Y/N randomly spoke.

I looked at Susie and she looked at me. A look of concern was etched into her features and we looked back at Y/N.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now