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I was definetly not looking forward to this day. School was fine, and I only had one teacher, but the students are not something I wanted to be around for. There is always one rude pupil that mocks or bullies someone.

Yesterday was my lazy day, and I did nothing. I remembered about my plans to visit the flower shop, only to fall back into bed. I planned to visit it this afternoon. Nothing could delay me.

So to start the day off, I took off to the bathroom to do my business and took a shower. I changed into some skinny jeans, a white vest and a F/C jumper. I left my damp hair down to air dry.

I wore simple black sneakers and took my pencil and cellphone with me before lock-in the door to my house.

I had time before school started and took a turn to see if the grocery store was open, but it wasn't. I was going to check on the skeleton brothers, but I didn't know where they lived. I also don't know where they live.

I just shrugged and walked off in the direction of the school, knowing I could ask him where he lived later. My slow walking didn't get me anywhere, even if I did know where the school was.

It took ten minutes to get past a fish lady. I crossed the road and she kept screaming at me not to block the road. Even though she was clearly blocking it, as two cars were held up in front of her.

Before I could take another step, I heard a loud beep come from a car. "My child, quick, you're going to be late for school! Jump in!" In a flash, a red car pulled up beside me and I got in, gently slamming the door shut. The car raced off again, cutting corners until it arrived at the school.

She parked the car perfectly, turning off the engine, and we all jumped out. Toriel walked over to our side and held onto Kris' hand. We walked into the building, it being both silent and empty.

"Have a nice day Kris. I hope you have a good day too, Y/N, my child." She hugged Kris and walked down the right side of the hall to another classroom.

Kris waited for me to take in the sight if the hallway before leading ne down the right, to what I assumed to be, our classroom. As we moved closer to the door, I could hear the muffled voices of students and a teacher.

He opened the door first. The room fell silent. "O-Oh, Kris, y-you're late! ..again." Kris moved inside the classroom to let me enter. I did so, and I heard some students gasp a little.

"N-New student! Y-You must b-be Y/N, right?" I looked to my right and saw a yellow dinosaur lady in dark green blazer, a light green shirt with a brown pencil skirt and a small red tie.

"Yes, miss." She looked surprised, though I don't know why.

"I'm A-Alphys, your everyday teacher from n-now on. I've prepared a s-seat at the b-back by Snowdrake." She stuttered. I nodded and waited for "Snowdrake" to raise his hand. He never did so Kris just pointed to ky seat. I told him a thanks and walked past him to the back.

"N-now that that's s-settled, today we're d-doing a project. K-Kris, Y/N, go and f-find someone to p-partner up w-with." Miss Alphys moved to the front corner of the room and started fumbling around with her touchscreen phone.

I got up and went to the snowflake -slash- bird looking monster next to me. This must be Snowdrake. "I can't be with you, partner! I already got a partner? Get it?! Because Western people say partner! But they're not actually partners at all! Haha.. ha.."

He clearly regretted speaking since I didn't laugh at his joke. I moved on to the dinosaur kid in front of him. He wore a orange and yellow shirt without arms.

"Hi, you must be the human, Y/N! I'm Monster Kid, but just call me MK for short." He stated with a grin.

"Can we be partners?" I ask.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now