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When I wake up, I first realise I'm in a stranger's house. I look around silently. The walls were a brownish-red and the carpet was a blue and purple striped pattern.

There was a flat screen television pushed back to the wall opposite of me. A table stood in the far corner with a plate on it. I heard two familiar voices coming from another room.

"DO YOU THINK SHE MIGHT BE DEAD?!" A loud nervous voice interrupted the silence. Pain erupted in my head after the voice spoke.

"nah paps, she's just unconscious. and she's still breathing. her head strangely didn't take much impact, but she seems okay other than that."

".. IF YOU'RE SURE THEN..." Papyrus slowly replied.

I heard footsteps and watched as Sans and Papyrus stepped into the room. Papyrus held a plate of pasta.

Papyrus' noticed I was awake and rushed over to me. "Y/N ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" His voice gave me a slight headache, but I pushed it away, not wanting to be rude.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?" I rubbed my forehead gently, feeling a large bump on it. I winced slightly.

"i watched you pass out on the sidewalk this morning." Sans furrowed his eyebrows worriedly.

"Oh.. Yeah.. uhh..." I thought back to this morning. Susie. School. Berdly. Bathroom.

"Somethig happened at school earlier.. But its fine now." I forced a smile, and luckily they seemed convinced. Well, Papyrus was convinced.

Sans gave a disappointed look. I almost frowned, but stopped myself. I should be used to people giving me these looks.

"NONETHELESS, I HAVE MADE YOU SOME PASTA! TO RESTORE YOUR HP!" Papyrus' eyes sparkled as he placed the plate of pasta on my lap. He quickly went to the other room he exited from and came back with a fork.

He passed it to me and stared excitedly at me then the plate. He did this a lot, so he must of been waiting for my reaction of his food creation.

I looked down at the food to see soggy overcooked pasta. ... He must of left it in the pot for too long. I took a bite and chewed.


"Yeah, it's not so bad. You just overcooked it a little," I answered honestly.

He squinted his eyes with a tiny smile. "REALLY? NO ONE HAS EVER COMPLIMENTED MY FOOD BEFORE." He sniffed and wiped a stray tear.

"Oh?" I ate a little more until the plate of pasta was finished.

"LET ME TAKE THAT," Papyrus took the plate from me and walked away into what I now realise is the kitchen.

"what really happened, kid?" Sans suddenly cut through the silence.

"I tripped before I got into class. And I felt dizzy, so I was gonna go home. And then I fainted on the streets." I lied through my teeth. Sans still didn't seem convinced and stared at me.

"kiddo.." His voice lowered, if it wasn't low enough already.

I sigh and gently rub my forehead again. "I was late to school, and I didn't know what to do. Neither did my friends. So I asked a girl, but her partner wasn't happy. So he tripped me." I look away, feeling embarrassed at the explanation.

I heard stifled laughter and looked at Sans. "that has got to be the dumbest reason for someone to trip you." He chuckled loudly and I shook my head at him.

"I know. But I didn't think this would happen. And my nose bled as well.." I looked down.

"yeahhh.. that was a... messy moment." His face went blank.

Into the Dark | kris x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now