1. Home is Not Where the Heart is

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The night was cold, but the atmosphere in the house was colder. Mary quickly but quietly prepared the evening meal for her soon arriving father. She had served up the steaming dishes onto the grey table before freezing still. The pebble path out the front of her house crunched under the weight of approaching feet. She quickly ran to the door and fell to her knees. Mary closed her eyes as she heard the person come in. Two strong arms wrapped themselves around her, "Tobias, you scared me," she whispered, "When you weren't home... and I thought Marcus was ... I.. I". Mary muttered her tears flowed into Tobias's baggy grey shirt. He rubbed her head tenderly. "I know Mare, I'm sorry, I got caught up in school," Tobias reassured her. Mary pulled away, seeing his face for the first time, his eye was swollen and the purple bruising was already showing. "Tobias your eye," Mary cried out pushing him away to get a proper look. "What will Marcus say,... He will hate that you've been fighting again. Oh, Tobias, he is going to hurt you again. Please don't let him hurt you again!" Mary sobbed Tobias gently grabbed her hands calming her down. "It's okay, everything will be okay!' Tobias promised. 

Talking outside drew the siblings stolen moment to an end. Tobias watched in agony as his younger sister shut down, her eyes became void and her lips sealed. He hated it. He hated him. The man who was their father only through blood walked through the door. His beady eyes watched the two people tremble before him, Tobias watched a satisfied grin cross the horribles man's face as he watched the youngest of the two work quickly to remove his shoes. His eyes worked their way to his son. His smirked dropped and was quickly replaced with the familiar sneer."What is on your face?" Marcus asked stalking towards the boy."I ran into a pole on my way home from school sir!" Tobias stated his eyes slowly drawing towards his sister. "You're lying to me."Marcus simply stated. He turned to the other child on the floor. "Mary, what happened to your brothers face?" Marcus asked grabbing her shoulders and pulling her up, she flinched at his movements. "I don't know sir," she whispered, Marcus grabbed a fistful of hair pulling her up "Say that again!" he growled his voice dangerously low. She cleared her throat and stretched up onto her tippy toes desperate to elevate the pain in her head. "She doesn't know." Tobias cut her off. Marcus turned to her, "She doesn't know, how selfish. I bet you were thinking of only yourself again, little bitch," he growled throwing her into the wall. Mary felt pain shoot through her back as she collided with a thud. Quickly she regained her balance only to be punched in the stomach. She coughed searching for air as the wind was knocked out of her. "Sir, your dinner's getting cold," Tobias begged as he watched his father punch his sister in the face and then again in the gut. Marcus straightened before storming into the kitchen. "I will deal with you both later" he threatened. Tobias gently picked up his sister and took her into their room.

Their room was blank, it contained a set of grey bunk beds, a cupboard with their clothes, and a set of drawers, one for each sibling and one for their father to keep his various punishment tools. Tobias watched his sister sleep next to him and secretly wished that his father would leave her alone tonight. But that would never happen. The devil himself stalked into the room and Mary was instantly awake, watching her father rummage through the third draw to find something that would curb their selfish behaviours. "Now Mary," he started turning the youngest sibling, "Not only did you lie to protect yourself and your selfish brother, you never finished your chores. Laziness is purely self-serving." Mary nodded slowly. "And you Tobias, fighting again? Yes, the school contacted me. I allowed you to come clean but you also lied straight to my face." Marcus stalked closer to the two siblings. "So who's first?" he asked. They both remained silent, knowing not to speak during their father's sessions. "I have an idea, Tobias, take the belt from me." He spoke softly but his tone was dangerous. Tobias took it. Marcus' eyes flashed with excitement. "Now I want you to whip your sinful sister," Marcus stated simply. Tobias gasped his eyes quickly jumping to his little sister. He shook his head refusing to hurt her. Marcus smirked "Do it, or I give her both punishments, yours and her own. And I can guarantee I will not be as merciful as I am now!" Marcus threatened, Tobias felt the rage rise in his stomach he wanted to kill this stupid man. "Do it, Tobias," Mary spoke gently to him, "Please" she begged him, She laid face down on the bed, Tobias wasn't sure what to do. He hesitated again, "Do it, boy!" Marcus screamed, "Are you so selfish to allow your sister to suffer your punishment too?" Tobias shook his head he did not want Mary to suffer more than she had to. "How many sir?" Tobias asked. "5 for lying, 10 for laziness and 2 for making me wait," Marcus said before leaning against the doorframe. With a shaky breath, Tobias struck is his sister. He watched in agony as the welts formed. They quickly replaced the older scars with new bloodied marks. Tobias tried not to hurt his sister but every time the belt nipped his sisters' skin, he broke inside. After 15, Marcus came and took the belt from Tobias, and pulled up a silently sobbing Mary marching her downstairs. Tobias heard the cupboard slam and lock. He knew Mary was safe for now. He listened for his fathers return and punish him too but it never happened. 

Thanks for Reading! What do you think? Pretty full-on, I hate Marcus ...

I do not own anything divergent related except my characters, Mare, etc. 


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