3. Brave or Stupid

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The group quickly dispersed quickly after the choosing ceremony. Dauntless begin to run. Fast. Mary felt the blood pumping in her ears. She felt the oxygen circulating through her body and she smiled. She heard the train before she saw it. Its wheels clattering against the cold iron. She watched the other initiates around her shifting around all jittery with excitement. The train sped past the group, the force throwing Mary off balance. And they ran again. The entire faction leapt into the moving train with choreographed synchrony. Mary was one of the last to land. An Erudite girl never made it on the train, her foot got caught on the uneven ground and she face-planted the pavement. The trip was short and Mary was fascinated by the whizzing of the scenery as they passed. Suddenly the Dauntless began to leap from the moving train onto the rooftop. Her heart leapt into her throat as she made her way to the edge. She couldn't hear anything but the roar of the wind, the train shook slightly almost as if it wanted to toss her out itself. The roof was coming to an end. She closed her eyes and jumped.

She was out by a few centimetres... Her hands managed to catch the roof edge as the train sped away. Her arms started to ache as she quickly scrambled away from the deadly drop beneath her. Joining the group who was listening to  an older man who stood proud on the roof edge, "My name is Max, I am the leader here!" Max boomed as the other dauntless cheered. He silenced them with a hand. "Now there is only one way into Dauntless and that is down there." He smiles cynically pointing to a hole 10 stories below them. His black eyes searched the crowd. "Whose first?" there was hardly anyone who had transferred this year, a boy from Amity, 2 girls from Candor and 5 from erudite. Max's eyes fell on the only stiff. "You." He sneered before pointing to the edge. "You first stiff." Mary nodded before stepping up on the edge. she could hear the group behind her belittling her as she looked over the edge, pulling herself up. "Yo stiff hate to tell you but suicide is selfish." Various other voices teased her. She frowned, they wouldn't make them die on their first day so something had to be down there to catch them. With that, she jumped. The wind caught in her throat as she dropped like a stone. The comfort of the flight only lasted a moment as she collided with a large net. As quickly as she was on the net a figure tipped it up, throwing her off. His stern blue eyes meet hers. He scoffed obviously offended at the sight of her, "A stiff. Unheard of!" he started yanking her to her feet, "Name?" Mary was startled. "What?" he asked her helping her down. "I have to make it a good one, I don't get to choose again." the man smirked. "And?"

"Mare, my name is Mare." Mary smiled at him. He looked taken back but quickly nodded. "First jumper Mare!" he called before showing her down. The other initiates followed her lead and soon they were all standing in a matted room. "My name is Four. I'm in charge of the transfer training. Dauntless-born will follow Lauren. Dismissed. Transfers with me" he ordered before storming out. The tour was quick and ended in the dormitory. Each initiate was shown a bunk with a pile of neatly folded clothes. "Get changed, then head to the mess hall for lunch." Four order before leaving again. Mare watched the other initiatives change quickly and started to peel off her dress covering every part of her body. "Hey stiff, I've seen more meat on a chicken leg!" a boy from Erudite chuckled as the rest of his group snickered. Mare ignored him pulling on a shirt she quickly checked that all her scars were covered before heading out to join the others. 

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