8. Unwelcomed Visitors

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Eric and Four entered the dorms after all the transfers had been through their fear simulations, "Well you all looked like shit." Eric chuckled. "The first round is done, now enjoy the afternoon off after all it is visiting day." Mare froze. She had been so immersed in training she had forgotten about visiting day. The room dispersed and Mare followed Ace and Henry into the cafeteria. "My fear was horrible, I was sitting in a circus tent surrounded by clowns. I had to help them make a human ladder." Henry shivered as he explained his fear as the three battled through the mountains of chips and nuggets. "well I was buried alive, I had to dig out with a teaspoon." Ace demonstrated with the set of cutlery. "What about you Mare?" Henry asked her. Mare was too interested in the flow of parents that moved into the cafeteria. "Mare?" Ace asked flicking a chip at her. Mare caught it with a swift movement eating it. "What?"Mare asked her. "What was your fear?" Henry asked her again, Mare sighed. "Drowning I think, I had weights attached to my feet." Ace and Henry nodded turning their attention to the stream of different colours.

"Hey, there's my mum and sister" Ace cried standing up quickly waving to a miniature version of herself and a strict looking woman. "Come and meet them yeah?" Mare nodded and Henry stood up in his chair trying to see all the people. "There," He pointed to a family with flaming red hair, "Gotta go!" he cried shuffling through the people as Mare waved him off. She left her uneaten food and slipped out of the room. Even more, people had filed into the pit, Mare sat above the chasm watching all the new people come in and strangle their children with love.

Mare truly hoped her father wouldn't come. Besides no one can find her up here she reassured herself. The afternoon moved on smoothly and Mare snoozed in the spot above the pit, taking advantage of the time off. Suddenly, She was in the water again. It wrapped around her face cutting off her oxygen. Her lungs thumped and begged, but this time it was different two strong hands held her under the ice cold waters. Her arms failed in a desperate attempt to get away. "You pathetic piece of shit," the hands pulled her face free and she choked, coughing up the water that snuck into her lungs, "how dare you to talk to those people, did you not think of the damage your stupid little mouth could have done." Mare was crying she felt the hot tears falling down her cheeks. "What not even sorry? Of course not, you're too selfish for that." he slammed her head into the water again cutting off her breath. She woke with a start, her hands felt sweaty and tears were running down her face. She stood slowly shaking the pins and needles out of her body. Venturing down to the pit in search of Ace and her family.

 "Mare" a voice called her from behind. she turned before being caught and dragged along. "This is my mum and my little sister Ace." Ace introduced. Ace's mom looked her up and down. Mare could almost hear her analytic brain assessing her. "Pleasure to meet you, mam, Ace is doing wonderfully here." Ace's mum smiled sweetly, "Yes it would seem so." Lily tugged on Mare's shirt, "Aren't you the Eaton that transferred, Mum, says you left cause your dad was mean. Is that true?" Mare was shocked. "No, I just like the food here," Mare chuckled ruffling her hair, "I'll leave you to your afternoon." She waved goodbye as Ace picked up Lily and swang her around. Mare wandered through the crowd again heading back to the dorms. A solid hand grabbed her arm and she spun her hands into fists ready to attack. 

She stood face to face with her father. His lifeless eyes stared at her. Her whole body shut down as he dragged her towards a secluded hallway. "Apparently, you are doing well here brat." He snarled, "Keep it up. You will take the leadership position. Do you hear me?" He demanded, slamming her against the wall. "You will protect Abnegation with the Dauntless forces, do you understand?" Mare did not react, she had shut down. Marcus punched her square in the face sending her back into the wall. "Answer me, you will join leadership." Mare nodded slowly. Her breath becoming heavy she struggled to keep from breaking completely. "If you cheat me," Marcus snarled pulling out a knife, "You will end up dead like your pathetic brother". Marcus growled stabbing the knife into her thigh. She cried out in pain feeling the blood run. Mare nodded again as Marcus showed her the knife with her blood on it. "Look at it, I have eyes everywhere." Mare watched him wiped the blood off of the pattern blade. As quick as the blade came out it went away. Marcus pulled her into a hug as a couple of dauntless walked past. Mare had the urge to be sick. He released her. Glaring. Before disappearing. Mare forced herself to stand proud and headed to the training room to clear her head. 

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