4. A Talented Stiff

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The mess hall was huge, tables filled all the space and rowdy people of all different sizes and colour filled them. She followed the lead of the other initiates, collecting food and sitting down. Four sat down next to her and a girl from erudite sat across from her. "It's just mac and cheese? Have you never had this before?" Mare looked up startled at the Amity boy who sat across from her. "Not really" she mumbled. "Abnegation finds delight in self-sacrificing, so seasoning is out. In fact, they are so cautious about resources even the amount of food on her plate is probably scaring her." Mare's face flushed red. The Erudite girl noticed before quickly apologizing. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, My name is Ace." Ace stuck out her honey-coloured hand to Mare, who took it in a firm shake. She was amazed at Aces beauty, she had blonde wavy hair and the iciest blue-eyed. Mare thought she looked like a woman from the ancient posters of a woman running along the sand at sunset. "Mare" She introduced herself. Ace nodded, "Henry" the Amity boy across from her smiled placing his big hand on top of the pile. Henry was the exact opposite of ace he had fair skin and his hair as a burnt red colour he was almost squishy as the smile that explodes on his round face.

"Nice to see you transfer getting along." the voice on Mare's left spoke and she had to swallow down a shriek. "What does Four mean?" Ace asked him. "It means none of your business." He chuckled. Ace swallowed before sending him a nervous smile. Henry, on the other hand, missed the leave it alone tone, "Oh I thought it might have meant how many people you've killed or... something." Henry stuttered finally aware of Four's murderous look. "Or not?". Four stood quickly. "Training room 5 minutes." he stalked away. The group finished up and made their way to the training grounds. The two girls from Candor Ruby and Emma were already waiting. Four stormed in moments later talking a quick headcount, he picked up a set of throwing knives, he turned back to the initiates. "Get warmed up, remember to stretch especially if you want to move tomorrow." 

Mare started with a light jog around the room and the rest of the initiates followed her.  It took another 5 minutes before the 4 transfers from Erudite walked through the door. Four flung four knives at their feet barely missing their toes. "You're late" he simply stated. they quickly muttered their apologies joining the group. "Today I will be teaching you how to hit the target, I will show you once. Then you will get a turn, Any questions" Four never waited for an answer instead he picked up more knives off the table. he placed his body square facing the target. Pulling back his hand he flung the knife hitting every target. The transfers stood in awe of him, "Well, go" he growled, throwing everyone out of their trance. Mare picked up a set of knife feeling the weight in her hand. They were light and sharp, a huge contrast to the heavy dull knife that she practised within Abnegation. She looked towards the lite targets assessing the distance. The other initiates around her started throwing. Some made it to the target, others fell short. Mare turned her attention back to the board in front of her, she knew from previous experience that the weight of the knife would change the amount of force needed to throw it. Mare began standing square to the target attempting to imitate her instructor. Pulling back her hand she flung the knife, hitting the centre of the target. "Wow stiff, what a fluke. I bet you couldn't do that again." A rough voice chuckled behind her. She spun quickly smacking straight into a mountain. He smirked at her clumsiness. "What's wrong, Nervous?" the man chuckled again before turning stern again. "Throw your knife" Mare gulped and turned suddenly well aware of both dauntless men watching her. She did it again. All three knives hit the target.

"Impressive, a stiff with talent.. Hey Four" the man shouted across the room to her instructor. "Stiff thinks she's better than everyone else, can we make the harder?" Mare's eyes widened as the other initiates gave her dirty looks. "How so Eric?" Four asked hatred rolling off of him. "Can she hit a moving target?" Erice asked sweetly, Four simply shrugged. Before pulling out an apple from his pocket. "Hit this!" Four simply said throwing it up. Mare closed her eyes and flung the knife hitting the apple and the target. Both men stood a little stunned, "Mare you can go." Four dismissed her before turning back to the class. Mare left, she could feel nine pairs of eyes following her out. Mare spent the rest of the day sitting on a ledge above the chasm. She was fascinated by the Dauntless way of life. Her view from the ledge allowed her to see most of the pit. People milled around sparring partners, others sat splayed across the floor laughing. She wondered if that is what carefree living looks like.

 Mare joined the training party the next morning. They went for a run through the city. Mare was nervous, this would be the first time she would be out in the open as a Dauntless."Nervous," Ace asked her coming from behind. Mare simply nodded. "yep me too." Henry appeared, "I have never had to run more than 100 m to the paddock." Ace slapped him on the shoulder, "About time you learnt slowpoke." she smiled Mare joined the two as Four pushed to the front of the group. "Ok transfers try to keep up!" With that, they took off. Mare kept up with the group she could have moved faster but she didn't see the need to speed into the front of the group, besides the 4 boys from erudite were stuck to fours side like puppies. After a while to the group came to a stop. The transfers took the opportunity to gulp down water and collapse heavily on the floor. Mare, however, stood standing barely panting. Fours eyes ran over his trainees, stopping on Mare, He seemed to want to say something but looked away quickly. She sat down next to Ace ignoring the constant comments of her being a weakling and threats of death. "Who are those guys?" Mare asked rolling her eyes as one of them gave her the bird. "The loud one is Mark he is all bitch and no bite, the other boys in the group worship the ground he walks on. The one in glasses is Orion, The kid is smart but he thinks he is better than everyone. Don't pick on him, he has a mean left hook. " Mare nodded as she analyzed each of them. "The half bold one is Rick, never had anything going on upstairs His parents divorced blaming their incompatible genes for their failed son. He has been Mark's muscle for a while now..." Ace continued "The last of the four is Nate, Um ... I'm not sure how he fits into the group he is the more silent type. Super smart but never says a word. But to be honest I had never seen him before the train." Mare nodded again.

"Let's go, kids, parties over" four announced running off again. The rest of the week continues in a similar way it started with breakfast, morning run, either shooting or target practice and lunch.

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