12. Dragged Into the Shadows

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"I wouldn't do that." a third voice ordered. Mare stilled as a gun cocked. She turned slowly.

 Nate was stood behind her brother with a gun pointed to the back of his head. "Mare come away from the edge sweety. That's a good girl." Mare watched him with caution moving so her legs where back on solid ground. "Now please, or we will have to clean your brother's brains off of you. Not a pleasant experience trust me." Mare moved away from the edge stepping forward carefully watching Nate with caution.

 "Very good you can follow orders, that will make working with you much easier. Should we take this to my office?" Nate lowered the weapon. "Mare... I, " Four began but Nate cut him off. "No NO NO, Four or should I say, Tobias, you don't get to mess up my assistant with this touchy-feely crap," Nate growled pulling Mare away from him. Four was about to protest, Nate cut him off again. "Don't forget who is in charge here." With that, Nate left dragging Mare with him. 

They ended up in a huge apartment with computers screens and live camera feeds covering the walls. Nate finally let go of Mare's arm and headed into a small kitchen area off to the side. "Sit down" he instructed Mare complied. Nate returned with a steaming pot and some mugs, resting his weapon on the table. He poured a dark liquid into both mugs before passing one to Mare. 

"I wanted to congratulate you on your completion of the initiation into Dauntless. As you can probably tell I am not an Erudite transfer, I have been Dauntless since birth. I was tasked to find the potential transfers would where skilled enough to join an elite force that protects the factions from the shadows. We don't deal with petty factionless fighting fact is our job is much more hidden. I want you to join this task force initiate. Any questions?" Nate asked sipping at his drink.

 Mare glanced at her drink in suspicion. "Are you not going to drink that?" Mare shook her head slowly, "I have heard that it acts as a sedative, rather not limit my abilities when I am sitting across from a stranger." 

Nate nodded in approval. "I do have questions, firstly why me? Secondly, What will I be doing? And thirdly is your name even Nate?" Nate chuckled. "Thirdly, Yes My name is Nate, Secondly, whatever the leaders, including myself, decide what needs doing and Firstly, because you are talented, although I thought that that was obvious. What do you say?"

"Ok" Mare agreed and Nate shook her hand. "Great, welcome to the family. Never see your brother again."

Hi everyone, 

Thank you for reading Find the Shadow, I hope you enjoyed it. The first book is done but the story is not over yet. I am currently writing a second book to continue to story called Blend into the Shadow. There is a sneak peek in the next chapter. :) 

Also, can I ask a small favour that if you enjoyed this book to give it a vote and/ or a comment on how I can make it better?

Thank you again lovelies!  

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