10. The Only Thing to Fear is Fear Itself

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The final day for the fear simulation came quickly. Every initiate was nervous. Mare could feel the piece of the toast she forced in this morning rise back to her throat. Those who went through from Dauntless came out visually exhausted and terrified. Mare wondered if they were better prepared than the initiated who had been dauntless for 8 weeks. Finally, it came to her turn. She sat in the chair. Four came up to her. "Mare you've come this far. You only have one last test. Remember up to now we only tried your smaller fears. Which you didn't have many of just drowning and insects, but now you will face your worst fears." Mare nodded. Four injected the serum. "Be brave"

The patterned knife was back this time it as in her hand. She stood in the kitchen of her old abnegation home. She turned the blade over in her hand. "Mary." A voice growled at her she looked up in shock. Before her stood her father. She gripped the blade launching herself towards her father. A strangled cry from behind him froze her still. Marcus took the opportunity to backhand her throwing her across the floor. "That's no way to greet your brother." Marcus snarled. Mare stood shocked. Her brother. He had died, never made it through initiation. She had grieved. But like every else she moved on. Marcus moved aside and behind him tied to the kitchen chair was her much loved brother. He looked the same as he did the day he left. "Kill him, Mary," Marcus spoke softly the words. "No!" she lowered the knife turning to leave. A cold barrel pressed against her head. "Do it or I'll kill you," Marcus growled. Mare looked towards Tobias, his face was changing, growing a bit more mature, his features where stronger and muscles developed. Tied to the chair know was Four who was nodding at her encouragingly. "Please Mare don't let him hurt you again." Mares face felt hot with tears "I can't" she mumbled to him. She turned again to face her father and throwing the knife at him. Before she could see it hit Marcus a shot went through her back. She hit the floor. 

Opening her eyes she was in the water, the panic didn't have time to sink in as she removed the weight and kicked straight to the top. Taking in a big breath.  She was sitting on a bed. A young attractive man entered the room, waltzing over and making a grab for her. Mare pushed him away. He came back his hands finding the hem of her shirt. She wiggled and kicked trying to get out of his embrace. He fought back holding her down. Mare kicked him in the groin. Which earned her a punch to the gut. She coughed blood before smashing his head on the bed post.

Finally, there was the encounter with the bugs. They crawled everywhere as she sat in the dark she could feel them crawling up her arms and legs. Running across her skin. Her face. Her mouth. Some even in her nose. Mare slowed her breathing, trying to ignore the crunching and sticking off the hundreds of various bugs that slowly chocked her. Finally she awoke back in the simulation room.

Four walked up and unhooked her. He was visibly paler. " Mare ... I ...". Four stumbles over his words. " I guess you know why Marcus wanted to stab me on visiting day now." She said her voice stale. She stormed past him and out of the viewing room. 

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