11. Freedom is dead

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She kept walking, she passed her friends who no doubt where trying to congratulate her, she passed the banquet set out for the graduating initiates. finally ending up at the chasm. The water that smashed against the rocks. The ferocity that once scared her now seemed oddly satisfying. Only know did Mare realise that her breathing had become almost non - existent as her heart beat so hard in her chest that it might explode. That voice. It echoed in her ears. Pictures flashed in her mind. Her brother. But he was dead, she went to his funeral.

 She heard footstep stop behind her. "Mary. Come away from the edge." she flinched as Four tried to reach out to her.

 She edged closer to the drop. 

Watching the water, imagining what it would feel like to have its iciness leak into her nose, throat and finally into her lungs. How all the air would leave her and she would finally stop fighting. She would be free. 

But would she be brave? Mare began to doubt whether being brave really mattered all that much. 

"Mare please." Fours desperate pleas wouldn't seemed to snap her out of her trance. 

"You died," Mare stated simply.

 Her emotions in such turmoil that they seemed to have left her all together. 

"No, I didn't I am still here. Look at me. Mary please." Four begged her. 

Mare turned to him her gaze empty. "I'm sorry," he whispered to her over and over again. 

He deserves to hurt, Mare growled within herself. Mare turned back to the crashing waves. he deserves to feel how much it hurt to lose him. 

She climbed over the railings dangling her legs over. Ready to end it all.

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