5. Break Physically and Mentally

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After lunch, Four had been training the transfers in hand to hand combat. Mare hated every moment of it every time she hit the punching bag she would see Marcus hitting her. Her nightmares had returned and were keeping her up throughout the night. She threw her fist that the bag again."Stop. stiff. Mare!" Mare turned around snapping out of her trance. Four was holding her shoulders. He let go of picking up her hands. "Your hands need attention now if you have issues may I suggest you leave the punching bag out of it," he spoke slowly. Mare nodded collecting her hands from him. Walking out of the room. "Nate, go with Mare to the medical wing. Four ordered turning his attention to the next student. One of the Erudite transfers stepped away from his punching bag. He glanced towards Mare before heading out the door. Mare followed after the dark-haired boy who casually strolled through the halls.  They didn't speak to each other at all. The nurse entered and asked what was wrong. Mare almost fell over when Nate spoke, "Her hands, she has sprained her left wrist and bruised them training." The nurse hurried and collected a bandage and some ointment. Mare watched Nate as his dark eyes stared off into the distance. He seemed to catch her look, running his own eyes over her. "What"? he asked. "I thought you might have been mute." Mare shrugged. Nate chuckled, "Yeah? and I thought you were the mute one." Mare nodded, "I just haven't got the energy for pointless conversation." Nates ice blue eyes widened, "Me too."

The Nurse returned and the conversation was over. Mare's wrist healed up a few days later, she was stretching her recently unbandaged arm. The other initiates filtered into the room. She had been coming in early to practice on the bags. Even with her bandaged arm, she could feel herself get stronger. Eric entered the room shortly after and stood on the mat in the centre of the room. "Gather round " He ordered. Mare swallowed down a clump that sat in her throat and followed the class. "Today we will start the interpersonal combat. This will be in knockout formation." As he spoke four rolled in a chalkboard."You will fight your opponent if you win you verse the person above you. The top spot might be easy but staying there will not be. Four pointed out the rankings, Eric cut him off." the lowest 3 will automatically be sent to guard the fence. So don't let us down." the group of transfers exploded into nervous chatter. "Quiet!" Eric roared. his eyes scanned the room. Landing on Mare he smirked, "First ranked and no.2 let's get this started."

Mare checked for her name on the board her shoulders dropped as she saw her name first "Well shit." she mumbled stepping onto the mate. Mark quickly joined her. "There really should be a rule against hitting Stiff's they break so easily." Mark chuckled Mare ignored him bringing her arms up guarding her chest and stomach. She didn't want to allow him to do any damage to her organs. She mimicked Four's stance. "Oh so energetic, that's against the rules, why don't you do us all a favour and die little slave girl," Mark growled. Mare allowed her mind to go blank as she adjusted her focus on Mark as he threw a sloppy punch to her face. Mare simply stepped back out of the way, pushing his back throwing him away from her. Her eyes searched him looking for his attack plan. Mark spun quickly his leg slamming straight into her side. She faced him again, "You are truly pathetic thinking you can beat me bitch!" he chuckled swinging an uppercut slamming into her chin throwing her head back. He landed his next punch to her stomach doubling her over. Mark strode slowly toward her grabbing her hair slapping his knee into her face. "Beg bitch!" he ordered as she collided with the floor Mark leapt on top of her driving is knee towards her kidney. In one swift movement she managed to flip over Mark avoiding a punch to the face, Mare rose her elbow and drive it down between his shoulder blades knocking him out cold. 

She stood wiping the blood from her face, Clapping caught her attention. "good ...very good." Eric remarked Four stood next to him visibly paler. As she stepped down her eyes fell on Nate who seemed to analyze her too. "Next!" The fights continued Mare opted to sit on top of the training wall. From her perch up high she was able to analyze each person's fighting. Ace was quick but she didn't hit hard enough, Henry was good at blocking and punching but couldn't move very quickly. Mare dozed off somewhere in between Rick's fight with Orion and the girls from Erudite. 

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