Preview of BOOK 2 (Blend into the shadows)

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Mare smirked as she watched the new initiates jump into the net. The first surprised her. A young woman from abnegation landed in the net with an exuberant smile. Abnegation transfers were rare. Her brother pulled the young women from the net. 

"Name." Mare stifled a laugh, after all, she was supposed to be 'Blending in with the shadows' Nate would not be impressed having her cover blown on a bunch of transfers. Once all the transfers had landed Mare watched them split off from the dauntless born. None of the transfers held much interest. There was always initiates who thought much of themselves. This year it was the Candor recruits. In particular one arrogant boy and his beast-like girlfriend. 

The transfers began their tour and Mare returned to her offices to find Nate. Her office was not like any other. It hung suspended under the roof, hidden from all the view of prying eyes. She entered the huge space. the centre of the room was covered with a sparring mat and many difficult weights the door to the left opened into a bedroom with an adjoining bathroom and kitchens. The other side of the room had a row of desks with screens lit with blueprints and video footage of the compound. Mare sat down at the desk and began her on the new transfers.

"And anyone interesting?" Nate asked her emerging from behind. He did this so many times these days Mare no longer jumped. "Another Abnegation, an Erudite who has studied fighting all his life and an idiot couple from Candor." Nate nodded, taking the files from her. "Your new assignment is to help assess the new initiates" Mare nodded "Do I need to get involved?" 

"Nah, not unless they start killing each other. Then you can step in," Nate shrugged.

Mare stood heading out again. "Mare, Eric is in charge this time just watch him" Mare saluted Nate lazily closing the door behind her. Blending in with the rest of dauntless heading towards lunch.

 Mare sat down silently next to her brother who was eyeing off the new recruits sitting next to him as they laughed over the Abnegations inability to make a burger. "Sounds fairly familiar?" Mare whispered to him, her voice barely audible Four jumped not hearing her sit down. He quickly covered it with a cough into his cup. "I don't want to hear about your old fractions, your dauntless now!" he growled. silence overcame the initiates. Four glanced at Mare with a satisfied smirk. Mare sent him a pointed look as the Abnegation spoke up. "Where are you a transfer too? Or Dauntless-born?" Mare stilled watching the interaction with interest as Four froze.

"Are you kidding, what makes you think you can talk to me?" he asked her daring her to define him. For a moment Mare thought that she would back down. "It must because you are so approachable." Mare snorted into her water earning her a glare from Four before he turned back to the girl. "Careful"

Mare surveyed the crowd getting restless. In the crowd, she spots Eric making his way towards them. Mare takes that as her cue to leave, Four goes to follow but is stopped as Eric leans over to him. 

Heading up to the edge of the roof cavity she watched the dauntless leaders give their speech. Satisfied she left to find someone to spar with. After a few rounds with her friend Ace, they ended up at the bar. Ace ended the night by leaving Mare at the bar as she passionately kissed Henry who was now Ace's fiance.

Dawn eventually broke and Mare busied herself wondering around her room, before heading through into the office. Nate was already awake. He followed a strict exercise regime in the morning and chose not to disturb him. Sticking to the shadows she met her brother outside the initiates dorm. "So you are on babysitting duty then?" she asked him, hugging him from behind

Four chuckled scruffing her hair, "Aren't you supposed to be slinking through the shadows somewhere?" Mare pouted. "No, I am actually supposed to be assessing your precious newbies." Four let her go looking in surprise. "And I have to say, you're not living up to your scary persona." Mare chuckled mocking her brother. Four simply shrugged entering into the dorm. Mare smirked as she heard Four wakes up the Initiates. "Meet me in the pit 10 minutes." he came out to meet Mare again. "Scary enough?" Mare pretended to think, tapping her finger on her chin. "Almost, but I've seen better." Four chuckled shaking his head, "Come on you can help me set up."

10ish minutes later the initiates had filed into the room rubbing the sleep from their eyes. Four and Eric introduced themselves and the ranking system. Of course, some of the initiates were worried that would mean being factionless. While Mare didn't agree with outing so many, she was how well this acted as a motivator.

After watching Four run the initiates through a vigorous training regime all morning, it was obvious that the Abnegation would struggle. 'Tris' her mind reminder her after all she had spent all night reading and memorising each person file. the strongest, of course, was the Erudite 'Edward' he was truly cut out for Dauntless. He had physical physic and knowledge that would be valuable in strategy.

After 4 days of basic training, Eric requested her report with the predicted rankings. She entered the office, Eric didn't even look up. "Mare, nice seeing you actually doing your job" he pestered her. His insults towards her were getting weaker and she could sense some admiration that Eric held for her "The report!" she sighed. He stretched out his hand without looking up. 

Mare slammed the report into his hand. Eric finally looked up, "What? Nevermind." he read through the report. "You ranked Edward 1st," Mare nodded, " He was all the right skill set he just needs to leave behind the weight that hanging off his arm." Eric nodded in agreement. "You know if you ever want to ditch that arrogant dick, there is always a place right here with me..."Eric trailed off as he seemed to assess the darkest corner of his office."Not going to happen."Nate whispered in Eric's ear. "What the... damn it. I knew you were here. Like a little cockroach."Eric growled wiping his hands on his trousers. "Yep and like a cockroach, I am going to outlive you, I can survive the apocalypse." Mare smiled, it was the calm before the storm. A storm Mare was ready for as she blended into the shadows.

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