7. Sanity is Slipping

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By the next morning, she noticed that the group had hardly slept. She slid next to Ace at breakfast time. "What happened?" Ace jumped a little before Mare's question was answered as Mark limped into the room on crutches. "Mark insulted Rick, Rick promised to break his legs and well..." Mare was horrified. Four burst into the room, "Under no circumstances is it ok to injure a fellow dauntless, we believe in ordinary acts of bravery and teamwork. If I ever see you fighting outside of sparring I will send you to the fence myself." The room was silent. Eric walked in creating more tension in an already tense room.

"Who's ready to expose your fears?" Four left as Eric explain the fear simulation. It sounded like torture to Mare and she turned to Ace, "Are they really going to make us do this?" Ace nodded. "What if you're afraid of something silly like toast?" Henry asked. Ace burst out laughing, "Are you afraid of toast Henry?" Henry looked at her his cheeks turning rosy red, "Only choking on the really dry bits." He mumbled. Eric paced through the room stopping at there table. "No one wants to volunteer so it's ladies first, Stiff." He smirked grabbing her shoulders and pulling her up. "This way." Eric pushed her down a dark hallway, "I wouldn't worry about it stiff, you can just wet yourself and we will feel bad for you and turn it off. Easy right. You make a mess though you clean it up." Eric chuckled at his sick joke before opening a door to a small room with a chair and computer. He left her there. Moments later Four entered the room. "Mare, have a seat."Four motioned to the chair. "This stimulates the chemicals in your brain that process fear, you will have a hallucination that immerses you into one of your fears. You will need to get through the situation or calm yourself down enough for the system to register. Best thing to do is think what would a dauntless do." Four explained pulling out a syringe with blue liquid. "You will see them as well I assume," She motioned to the computer behind him. Four nodded, "Yes, I will be watching on the screen." Four injected the serum into her neck, "Good-Luck Mare." Mare blinked suddenly confused where had she heard that before. 

Her sight became clear as she landed in a huge expanse of water. The salty water leapt at her face. Her arms were getting tired of sculling as she tried desperately to keep her head above the waters. Something suddenly pulled against her legs, dragging her down. Mare panicked gulping in the salty water as her head was pulled under the waves. Her heart pounded in her chest and her lungs strained for air. It ached. Her brain was telling her to breathe in, to succumb to the water. Her vision blurred and her head went light. She had stopped struggling, choosing to conserve her energy. "Think what would a dauntless do?" Four's voice ran through her head. Mare reached down to the weights attached to her leg and attempted to work the strap free form her foot. Her fingers bleed and her vision had darkened around the edges with one final tug the weight came free and Mare pushed herself to the top.

 She woke with a start, gulping in the air around her. Four watched her cautiously. "Are you ok?" Mare took another breath, "That was not nice." Four chuckled, "You did well though, you were only in the simulation for 6 minutes. Mare stood stretching out her sore limbs "Felt like longer."Four nodded watching her, "It does feel longer but it should get easier." Mare sighed as Four opened the door she walked out. She headed to the dorms. Walking into an eerie silence. Some were lent against the wall. Others rocked back and forwards attempts to calm themselves. 

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