9.Four Reasons to Run

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Mare struggled to sleep that night, but everyone was in the same boat. The girl Emma from Candor woke the entire room screaming. Mare sat on her bunk in a daze, never actually sleeping but running through the events of what happened that afternoon in her head. She was disappointed with herself for her fear. She could've easily taken her father on, there and then. she could have got the knife and drove it straight into his cold heart. The throb in her thigh kept her awake. The bleeding had stopped, Mare had managed to wrap it, but it was fairly deep. Deliberate to cause her pain. She pushed herself up and headed back to the training room laying into the dummy for the night.

"You're making a habit of this Stiff!" Four walked into the training room. Mare looked up watching Four walk over to the sparring mat. "Why do you care?" Mare snapped turning back to the dummies. "Because it's my job as your trainer." Mare ignores him. "You know you would do better if you hit something that could actually hit back." Four chuckled watching her. "Are you offering?" Mare snapped turning her attention back to him. She blew a strand of hair from her red face. "Sure, why not?" Four shrugged stepping onto the mat with his hand indicating for her to join him. Mare walked over cautiously watching her trainer. "Come on I'll go easy," he stepped back watching her as she raises her guard. Mare assesses him as Four stepped forward slamming his fist to her cheek. "Sorry." He apologised, "I thought you had it." Mare nodded resetting herself. "Ok ready now?" Mare gave a quick nod. Four now threw a punch toward her gut. Mare blocked with her arm, Four's fist leaving an angry red mark. She waited for the next attack, he advances toward her making a grab for her. Mare spun out of the way and landing a kick to his back throwing him forward. Four spun to meet her foot with his palms slapping her leg away. Mare tried again to bring her leg up to kick him again and swinging it towards his stomach.  Four continued to block as Mare circled and attacked him. Four struck grabbing the fist Mare had swang at him, pulled her towards him. Four tripped Mare by sweeping her legs out from underneath her. Landing hard down on the mat, Mare gasped as her to thigh throbbed and the wind was knocked from her lungs.

 "Stop letting me win." Four told her pulling her up. "What makes you think I am?" Mare growled pulling her hand from his grip. "Cause I have seen you, you read people. Your quick." Four replied resetting himself on the mat. "Again." Mare chuckled, "Nah I'm good, what's the point anyway." Four stood for a amount considering something. "You win and I'll get you a proper room to sleep in." Mare halted. "like a proper room, my own no others.""Four nodded. "But if I win you tell me what you were doing with Marcus Eaton." Mare paled. She quickly covered her shock. " I don't know who that is?" she argued. Four just smirked."I work in surveillance remember?" Mare thought through the proposition. A new room would make sleeping easier and she would have her own space. But, telling Four about Marcus could mean more hassles, after all, she just wanted to forget Marcus."Fine deal." 

Mare leapt a him. Slamming her fist into his side. Four stumbled back spinning quickly he ducked to dodge a kick aimed at his head. Jumping back away from a punch to his stomach. Four countered pushing Mare away for him landing another hit to her jaw. Mare took the opening from Four's punch to knee him in the groin, punching his hunched over figure. Four wiped a small amount of blood from his mouth. The two stared each other down. Mare lunged using her elbow to send a jab Four's ribs. Four took the hit before grabbing Mare and throwing her down onto the mat. Four was quickly on top of the thrashing Mare. "Concede" he urges her. Mare's fist collided with Four's face. Four grabbed her hands securing them to her side's. "Concede, Mare, it's over" Mare stop struggling. Four watched as she calculated the position she was in. "Fine you win, let me up," she growled. 

"Good, now spill." Four climbed up pulling her up. "It was nothing, he was the leader of my old fraction. He was concerned that I wasn't fitting in." Mare lied through her teeth. She eyed four who had sat down beside her. "Oh really so he wasn't threatening you with a knife." Four asked her, "Good thing you didn't choose Candor." Mare sighed standing. "It doesn't matter I can handle myself. I don't need anyone to fix my problems. I am dauntless now!" Mare walked out leaving Four behind. Four watched her go sighing. Before heading out into the dark halls. "Are you sure it's her?" he asked the darkness. Nate emerged from the shadow "Yes I'm sure." Four nodded slowly. "She's almost ready," Nate smirked watching Four glare at him. After all, he would have fun playing with the trainer's sister. 

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