Michael clifford: Gamer boy

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You honestly found it pretty pathetic. Although your boyfriend, Michael, was known to be quite the gamer, at this point, everyone was aware that the tables had turned. Watching Michael play video games all day got boring, so he reluctantly taught you how to play Grand Theft Auto 5. And after that, you were hooked. You then understood why he would spend most afternoons into the wee hours of the morning staring at the TV with the game console in his hand. And you thought the only good thing about that system was Netflix.

"Babe, we need to have a talk..." Michael announced as you played the game. You raised your eyebrow, not taking your gaze from the TV.

"I'm in the middle of this Michael..." You trailed off, not giving him the attention you could obviously tell he craved.

"You haven't moved from that spot on the floor for almost 3 days, you haven't showered and all you've eaten are Cheetos and Lucky Charms." He accused. You rolled your eyes, stuffing your mouth with more Cheetos, chewing them tauntingly as you finally glanced over at Michael, smirking. "I feel like the girl in this relationship, just let me take you to dinner or something. You need to stop for a bit." He pleaded, hoping to convince you easily.

"Michael, no! I need to get this shit to that guy." You huffed, expecting him to pick up on what you were referring to, since you weren't even too sure about what you were referring to.

You saw Michael roll his eyes in your peripheral vision, as he went to walk in front of the screen. You got ready to yell at him before he tore his shirt off. Your eyes widened as his pale chest graced your presence, confusing the hell out of you. Then in one shift motion, Michael took his basketball shorts off with his boxers, leaving him there naked. He grabbed his beanie off of his head, throwing it in the pile of his clothes before looking at you, smirking. Your jaw was on the floor in shock. You knew Michael was confident, but never expected him to come up with that.

"I'm going to take a shower. If you decide you want to be a part of civilization again and not smell like something rotting in a garbage can, feel free to join me." He said, his tone innocent but his teasing very obvious. He walked towards your bathroom, leaving you in front of the TV, unsure of how to react.

You heard the bathroom door close before the shower turned on. You sighed as Michael's words sunk in, making you finally build the willpower to get up and turn the console off.

You tiptoed to your room, finally seeing your reflection for the first time in a few days. Your hair looked greasy as it was propped up in a messy bun and there were Cheeto cheese stains on the baggy shirt you borrowed from Michael. You gagged at the smell as you dumbly sniffed under your armpits, immediately regretting making the decision to do that. You stripped naked, grabbing your thin bathrobe and tying it around your body before walking out to the bathroom.

Heat hit your face as you opened the door as quietly as you could. The glass blocking the shower was already covered in steam. You saw Michael's blurry silhouette through the glass as the water hit his body. You slipped the bathrobe off before sliding the shower door open.

"Look who decided to come out and play." Michael smirked, his tone rough. As you walked into the shower, Michael's hands grabbed your hips, eagerly pulling you against his body and kissing you. His hands snaked down to your bum, grabbing it as he pulled you even closer, making sure there was no room left between the two of you as the water from the shower-head poured onto your bodies. "Damn baby, you're so wet." He joked, causing you to playfully roll your eyes at his joke.

You turned around, squirting some of Michael's shampoo onto your hand before motioning for him to lean down. You giggled as he went face first into your boobs, leaving wet kisses on your skin. You ran your fingers through Michael's rough, damaged hair, massaging his scalp. When you were done, you moved his head back under the water, running your fingers through his hair to wash it out. Michael spun you around so your back was to his chest, his chin resting on your shoulder, doing the same for you. Shampoo ran down your shoulders and back as Michael ran his fingers through your hair to wash it out.

Michael took the bodywash, pouring some onto a loofah and running it under the water. You turned around so you and Michael were face to face. He ran the loofa over your chest, letting bubbles drip down your skin. After he covered your arms with bodywash. He dropped to his knees, running the soapy material over your legs. He let the loofah fall, his hands gripping the back of your upper thighs, bringing his face closer to your body. You felt his warm breath on your skin as you grabbed his hair to attempt pulling him closer. You threw your head back as Michael kitten licked up and down your slit, his tongue barely entering you before he moved it away, making you groan. Your hands brushed through Michael's hair as he sucked on your clit, his finger teasing you. Without warning, two fingers entered you, making you let out a jagged breath. His pace was slow, his fingers brushing your g-spot. He took his fingers out, looking up at you through his eyelashes before bringing his fingers into his mouth.

"Mmm, you're so sweet baby." He moaned out, causing you to go weak in the knees.

He stood up, his hands gripping your waist as he sucked and nipped around your neck and chest, pushing you underneath the water to wash you off. Your hand dragged itself down Michael's chest, gripping his cock. You slowly jacked him off, getting him harder so his dick rested on his stomach. Your thumb wiped his tip, covering it in pre-cum. You stared at him, copying what he did minutes before and licking him off your thumb.

"I need you baby." Michael whined. You pulled him forward so he was now under the shower-head with you. Your arms wrapped around his neck, his hands gripping your ass, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist. He turned so your back was against the cold tile wall, leaving him under the water.

He licked his lips, kissing you as you felt him teasing your slit. Your hands gripped his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin as he slowly entered you. He didn't pull away as you moaned into his mouth, not moving as he let you get used to him. He built up a pace, causing you to bounce with each thrust. He moved you higher up, his thrusts getting harder and making it easier for him to hit your g-spot. You moaned out as he kept hitting it, one of his arms snaking itself around your waist, the other moving under your bodies to play with your clit. You felt him throbbing inside of you as you clenched around him. The knot in your stomach disappeared as you released, your head resting on the tile behind you as you worked through your orgasm. Michael released a few seconds after you, riding out your highs.

Your legs unwrapped themselves from his waist, keeping your grip on Michael's shoulders to make sure your legs didn't give out. Michael kissed you lovingly before pulling you back under the water, cleaning the both of you off. He turned off the water, opening the shower door and grabbing two white fluffy towels that he must have brought in. You wrapped it around your body, Michael wrapping his around his waist as you both walked into your bedroom.

"You can't even try telling me playing video games is better than that." He teased, pecking your lips as he dropped his towel, digging through one of his drawers for a fresh pair of boxers.

"Maybe I should play video games more often if I know I'll be getting hot shower sex." You giggled, turning your back to Michael before dropping your towel. You yelped out surprised when Michael's hands grabbed your waist, tickling you before spinning your around, kissing you. Throwing on underwear, the two of you spent the rest of the night sitting in front of the TV, battling each other in Mario Kart.

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