Luke Hemmings: Target employes

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You smiled contentedly, skipping slightly down the aisle you were stocking as you hummed along to the song playing through the stores speakers. You bent down slightly to fit more toothbrushes on the shelf, your eyes settling on a lanky blonde on the other side of it. The smile grew slightly on your face, you'd built quite a liking to the dorky giant. You both worked here in the summer whilst school was out, you hadn't spoken in school, your status as a cheerleader and his as a nerd kept you both separate. You'd never really cared much for social stereotypes, making friends out of the typical cliques regardless of their school status. To say this surprised Luke was an understatement, you had shown him the ropes on his first day, making sure he was comfortable and calm, something he had greatly appreciated. You'd go as far to say you'd even developed a little crush on the boy. But you knew you weren't his type. The thought brought a frown onto your lips, bringing you back to the current situation. Luke's voice was now filling your ears, his nervous mumble and stammer heavy in the air. His cheeks were tinted a bright red, his hands awkwardly flailing around him as he began to explain something to two smaller teenage boys. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to the blush radiating from his skin, until your eyes fell on to the items in Luke's hands, condoms. The reason for his blush was evidently clear to you, it wasn't hard to see that Luke was in experienced, especially in that area. Opting to give Luke a hand you quickly shoved the last of the stock onto the shelves, pushing yourself up with a huff before darting around to the other aisle. Luke's eyes widened before they softened when he noticed you approaching them, his blush deepening and even more impossible colour as he looked down at the condoms in his hands.

"What's going on here?" You asked, eyebrow raised as you smiled at Luke, your gaze moving to the two other teenagers, nothing more than the age of fourteen or fifteen.

"I uh," Luke gulped, hands shuffling around the condoms, "I found them trying to steal some uh, condoms," He had to cough into his hand to get the words out, the two delinquents stood near you laughing at him. Your gaze narrowed as you turned yourself to face them, your fingers darting out to grab the items out of their hands.

"I think we all know neither of you will be needing these. So leave before I call the police." Your face was stern as you stared them down, their expressions turning from amused to slightly afraid, the taller of the two tugging on the other boys sleeve and turning away. A smirk grew on your lips as they left without another word, turning back to Luke and passing him the goods.

"There you go Hemmings," You winked, a smile accompanying his blush as he pushed them back onto the shelf and turned back to face you, his eyes flickering up to yours repeatedly as he grinned.

"Thank you Y/N,"


"My feet are killing me," You groaned, your fingers pushing off your shoes and rubbing at your sock cladded toes. You hoisted your legs up onto the vacant chair next to you, your toes dangling so close to Luke's thigh that his body heat was warming your feet. His eyes darted down to the movement of your hands before he looked back up to your face, smiling comfortingly.

"You should get some padded soles for your shoes, they help a lot. My mum got me some..." He trailed off as he realised how lame he had just made himself sound. His eyes closing in embarrassment as the familiar red glow re appeared to his cheeks.

"Thanks! I'll have to ask my mum to get me some," You grinned, poking his thigh with your foot teasingly, his smile returning as he popped another raw carrot into his mouth. You watched his movements carefully as he chewed the carrot, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed it. He noticed you watching after a few more pieces, his fingers wiping against his trousers as he looked at you, "Is there something on my face?"

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