27. Somewhere Only We Know

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Elizabeth’s POV

Harry and I were now walking through the park, it looked so stunning. The best thing about winter is the snow and the Christmas décor all over the town. All of the trees had white and yellow lights wrapped around the trunks and branches, small yellow bells with red bows were placed on some of the light post along the side of the streets.

The wind was quite cold but I can’t really complain. I love winter it had to be my favorite season of the year. As we walked our feet would sink into the bit of snow that was stuck to the ground. I adjusted my beanie on my head whenever the wind would blow my hair back.   

“Are you excited for tomorrow?” Harry asked me as we walked his arm linked with mine our hands in our jacket pockets.  He looked beautiful as ever in with his hair all messed up due to the wind, his nose and cheeks had a pink tint to them.

“Yea I am. I mean I was stressing over finding a dress in time. Thanks to the girls I did. I wasn’t the one that picked it out they did everything for me; It was like being a Barbie doll for a seven year old.” I sniffled.

Harry chuckled. “At least you had fun right?” he asked turning his head to me his eyes a blue green color due to the dark navy blue jacket that he was wearing. I could get lost in them forever, it’s like everything around me disappeared. Hmmm…. Did he just ask me something? Yes he did, what was it again?

Oh right! “Yes I had fun” I said quickly stuttering. My stutter happens whenever I get nervous, my parents hate that I stutter. To them it a sign that shows weakness that you feel intimated. They also say that stuttering shows that you are not sure what to say so anyone can just stomp all over you.

Harry’s POV

                “Yes I had fun” Ellie said to me quickly, stuttering. She was so cute it’s hard not to love her. Once you meet her you just fall in love. The way that her cheeks have a warm blush to them makes her beautiful eyes stand out more. She looked so angelic in a way, she is my angel and no one is going to change that.  

“Oh look it’s snowing!” Her bubbly voice yelled out taking me out of my reverie. She unlinked her arm from mine and walked a few feet away from me and stood there trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue.  I stood there watching her leaning against a tree smiling.  I moved my gaze up to the sky and watched the stars; this night is so different to me. Better than any other night I have ever had, it’s not dark it’s more enlightening.  I felt something hard hit me on my arm, I quickly jerked my head and saw a few pieced of dismantled snow stuck to my jacket. I looked up at Elizabeth and she was pursing her lips trying to hide a smile her hands behind her back.

I smirked at her and slowly leaned away from the tree, I looked at her and charged at her, she let out a squeal and ran. I quickly leaned down and made a couple of snowball and threw them at her.

“Ha ha ,you missed!” she said sticking her tongue out at me hiding behind a tree.  I rolled my eyes smirking and leaned back down to make a couple of more snowballs when I looked up she was gone.  I heard her giggle. Oh it’s such a lovely sound.

I slowly took steps looking around trying to find her. I saw her a feet away her back against a tree hiding behind it. I dropped the snowballs onto the ground and slowly made my way to her.  I started to approach behind her and she was sticking her head out to see if I was coming. I placed my hands on her waist causing us to fall onto the ground and she yelped covering her mouth with her hands.

She looked at me and laughed. I felt the coldness of the snow seethe through my jacket and onto my back but I didn’t care, everything is perfect right now.

“Harry you’re going to get cold!” she said starting to get off of me but I held her tighter. “It’s okay, it doesn’t bother me”  

She looked at me and smiled her necklace dangling out of her shirt giving a little blue glow. Her small finger grabbed the chain to my necklace and she examined it. The pendant on my necklace turned a purple blue color by her touch and I smiled.

“I love you” I told her softly and she quickly looked up at me. She blushed and blinked a few times.

“I love you too” she said biting her lower lip. I grabbed her hand and interlocked her fingers with mine and placed a small kiss on the back of her hand. She leaned down and kissed me and I automatically kissed her back. Her perfect lips moved with mine in sync, time seemed to stop. It doesn’t feel like we are in the middle of the park, I am in a beautiful bliss and it’s all because of her.

Ellie pulled away from me and let out a small laugh. She leaned her forehead against mine. I gently pushed a stray hair away from her face and behind her ear gently brushing my thumb against her cheek and pecked her lips.

“Thank you” I said my eyes closed my forehead still against hers.

“For what?” she asked.

 “For loving me” I said and kissed her again getting lost in this beautiful place. A place that our love has made and no one will know this place because it’s just somewhere only we know.

Author's Note

This is by far my favorite chapter! please tell me what you think :) love ya xx

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