Chibs Telford

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PART 2/2

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PART 2/2

You held Chibs's cold wedding ring in your hands as you sat in your cement cell, waiting for someone to bail you out.
You didn't know who it would be, but you were hoping that one of the Sons would find out about you being arrested and come and get you.
The whole 3 hours you had been sitting here you couldn't tell which was worse, the shame of getting arrested in front of your girls, or the hurt of being cheated on by your husband.
You had cried out all of your tears the past couple of hours and now you were just plain angry.
You heard the click of the door as it opened and you saw Althea walk in followed by Chibs.
Chibs looked guilty while Althea looked like she had been beaten half to death and you smirked, admiring your work.
She placed the keys in the lock, quite reluctantly, and slid the cell door open.
You stared her down as you walked passed her and out to the office part, ignoring Chibs completely.
That was until he caught up with you and grabbed your by the arm, spinning you around.
"Do not touch me Fillip!" you roared, turning around and snatching your arm from his grasp.
His eyes went wide as everyone in the station turned to watch the scene that was about to play out in front of them.
"(y/n) listen, I don't think we should do this here." he said with a pleading look on his face.
"Oh why not Fillip? You have something else to hide?" you asked, venom lacing your tone.
"No, I just don't think the whole force needs to know about what's happening between us." he said trying to steer you towards the door.
"Hold on, I'm not finished here." you said before turning around and jumping on top of the closest desk, calling for everyone's attention.
"Listen up! For those of you who don't know, this is Fillip Telford, the outlaw biker of Charming!" you said pointing at him. "And that is your darling police Chief, Althea Jarry. " you said, then pointing to her, with her horror stricken and bloody face.
"You see Fillip here has been cheating on my, his loving wife and mother of his children, with Althea. Yes you heard me right, your Chief has been sleeping with a biker you've been trying to nail down for years." you said before jumping off of the desk and heading towards the door, Chibs following closely behind you .
When you got outside he tried to grab at you again but you spun around and slapped him hard, sending him back a few steps.
"I want you out of my house by the time the girls get home from school." you spat at him before getting in your car and peeling away.
You had no idea what you were going to do.
You had a cheating husband, scarred children, and a police chief on your ass.
You went home and walked straight to the basement, grabbing boxed of various sizes, then walking through the house and throwing all of Chibs's stuff into them.
By the time the girls got home you had all of Fillip's stuff out in the front yard stacked neatly in the driveway, deciding not to wait for him to come get it.
The bad part was that Chibs arrived at the same time the girls did, so when they all walked through the door you were met with 3 pairs of staring eyes. 1 out of shock and the other 2 out of fear.
"How was school today girls" you asked reaching down the hug them.
They said nothing, just shrunk behind Fillip and whimpered.
"Daddy, please make mommy go away. She scares us." Mary said with fear in her voice as they stared up at you.
Your eyes flooded with tears and you ripped yourself away from all three of them, turning your back and walking into the kitchen.
As you walked in you slid your back down the cabinets until you were a sobbing ball on the floor.
After a few minutes you heard footsteps and you looked up through your tears to see Chibs standing above you.
"What? You here to gloat? To shove it in my face how this all turned on me?" you asked, your heart breaking at the thought of the look on your daughter's faces.
"No darlin', I'm not here to rub it in your face." he said sitting down in front of you and placing a hand on your knee. "I talked to the girls and they're still a bit scared of you after what you did to Althea. They want to come with me to the clubhouse." he said.
His own voice broke at the thought of what pain you must be going through.
"I want you to know that i'm sorry for what I did. I honestly have no idea why I did it, but I do know now that I regret every second of it. I'm going to take the girls with me and I think you should come by tomorrow and we can all talk this out."
You looked up and wiped your eyes.
After a minute of thinking you nodded your head slowly, knowing it was probably better for you to let them have some time before you tried to explain everything to them.
Chibs sighed leaned forward, placing a kiss on your forehead, before getting up.
He made it to the doorway before turning back and saying "I never meant for any of this to happen. I love you." before he was gone.
As you heard the sound of your front door shutting all you could think of was how much this had been turned around on you.
Damn Chibs, damn him for being so unfaithful.

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