Herman Kozik

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With who your father was and how your were raised as a child, it was normal for you not to have a lot of contact and major relationships without it going through your father

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With who your father was and how your were raised as a child, it was normal for you not to have a lot of contact and major relationships without it going through your father. He was looking out for you but in your adolescent years, it caused you to rebel and want your own life, your own friends. The club was in everyone's minds in the town, negative or positive and with a last name like Trager, it made your want for your own life very difficult. Friendships became near impossible as parent steered their kids away from you as you simply walked down the street and all the stares and glances. It took a toll on a teenager growing up, especially when your mother had ducked and ran. Well, your dad forcing her out when the club found out more about her. She was a greedy croweater and she was a liability. Gemma soon became your surrogate mother and it just became the norm for you.

However, now approaching your early to mid twenties, you started to crave a different sort of relation. The club always scaring off any guy that showed an interest in you, resulting in fights and being a grown woman with no notches under her belt. Everyday you were surrounded by members and the odd old ladies but nothing else, it was suffocating.

Sat at the bar with a beer in your hand, staring at the wall ahead that was aligned with practically every and any form of alcohol. Your dad slumped down next to you and threw an arm around your shoulder, looking down at you and noticing the beer in your hand.

"It's only noon, birdie." Birdie. The name he had given you as a baby and it stuck. Scoffing, taking another swig of your drink before responding.

"Your one to talk. I'm surprised that you're even up at this time."

"Oh ha ha. Just trying to be the responsible father. Just thought i'd let you know that there are brothers coming in from Tacoma." You nodded in acknowledgment, excitement bubbling but you made sure to keep you composure calm. Brothers came and went all the time, it's hard to keep track of every face but there was one that stuck out to you and you cherished every moment with him. Herman Kozik. The oh-so famous man in you dad's life, his hatred for the man stuck out like a sore thumb and it was hard for that limelight not to past onto you. The minute you first met him, you knew that he was somebody you wanted to get to know. Maybe it was you rebelling against your father once more, or maybe it was something more. Either way, you wanted him. And no stupid rivalry that they started is gonna stop you.

The revving of engines caught your attention and you couldn't stop yourself from smiling. He was here. Unbeknownst to you, Gemma had picked up on the little action and shook her head. Before you had the chance to stand up and go and meet them outside, you saw him standing there with his brothers. You decided to wait until later for your reunion. Over the past few visits of the Tacoma boys, nights were spent between you and Koz, talking and getting to know each other. The little glance your way went unnoticed to you but once again, not to Gemma. At that she smiled, finally seeing that this wasn't some crush you had and that it was reciprotated settled her slightly.

As Clay called for church, you sighed watching him walk into the room with the rest of them. Over the course of the next few hours, you tried to busy yourself. Gemma saw this a sher chance to give you a piece of her mind.

"It's not a good idea, you know?" Turning to look at her, you furrowed your eyebrows at her. What was she talking about?

"What?" She walked towards you and sat on the chairs that lined the bar, resting her elbows on the counter.

"You getting involved with Kozik. He's an amazing guy but your dad. It wouldn't work." you felt anger start to rise.

"It's always about my dad! What about me, huh? For once I'm finding something that makes me happy and you want to take it away from me. For once I found something that is mine and only mine and then... he's part of the club, isn't that a good thing? He can be trusted and I can be happy!" Gemma smiled sadly, leaning forward.

"I know he does, I saw your face when he walked in and I also saw his but your dad. I just don't want you to lose him over this. He hates Kozik."

"My dad needs to open his eyes. If he can't see that he makes me happy.." Shaking your head, you walked out and headed to the garage. You needed some time alone.

It wasn't until 5 o'clock that those doors opened and the club filled with brothers and croweaters. The beginning of a long night. Kozik's eyes travelled the room in attempts to find you but to no avail.

"She stormed off, she's pretty pissed." Gemma told him. He was about to ask her how she knew who he was looking for but thought against it. It was Gemma after all. Smiling, he nodded and thanked her and set off out of the club. He knew where you would be. You never left the club when he was there unless he knew otherwise you just went to the garage. No one really went in there unless they were working so it was perfect for the two of you. Opening the door to the garage, he spotted you in a instant. Slowched in the chair by the corner, hidden slightly behind all the clutter.

"Go away, I don't want to talk right now." Closing the door behind him, the light dull creating the atmosphere. Even in shit lighting she looked beautiful, he thought.

"I mean if you really don't want me here." Pretending to make his way back outside, you registered his voice and attempted to stop him.

"No! I thought that it was someone else."

You looked up and saw him pulling a chair up beside you. Your heart beginning to race with the close proximity even though it was normal for the two of you to be this close.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened? Gemma said that you were pissed." His gaze burned a hole into the side of head. There was a long pause before you answered, wanting to gather your thoughts before ranting to him.

"She said that this is a bad idea.." Confusion fell on Kozik. This? What was the 'this' that she was talking about? Wrapping an arm around her for both comfort and encouragement.

"What does she think is a bad idea, babe?" Hanging your head, you meekly replied.

"Me and you. She said that it's a bad idea." Saying you were scared would be an understatement. Neither of you had talked about what this is and you had practically just made it sound like the two of you were dating, you were scared that he would get freaked out at the commitment and run. That was the last thing that you wanted. But for Kozik? His heart leaped at the sound of 'me and you'. Smiling, he pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you, the leather kutte squeaking.

"Well do you think it's a bad idea?" The question threw you off completely. Why was he asking you? Hope began to collect inside you as his immediate response wasn't negative.

"I want to be happy and you make me happy, so no, not to me." You looked up at him, "What about you?"

"Well, I'm currently talking to a beautiful woman who is smart and kind and strong. I've dreamed of having someone by my side with the personality of you and now that i finally have her, I'm not letting go."

Your face hurt from smiling so much. Craning your neck, arms snaking round his neck, you pulled him in for a kiss slowly deepening the kiss. You had finally found the happiness that you had been looking for.

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