!I N F O R M A T I O N!

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Name: [Y/N] [L/N]

Gender: g I r l

Age: 15

Job: -Vigilante- Student, Worker at a corner flower shop.

Birthday: ---------------

Height: 5'2


Quirk: Illusion

[Y/N] [L/N], a young teen that lies with every breath she takes. Does she even tell the truth? Perhaps. But people will probably disregard it as a lie anyways so what's the point? She's Katsuki Bakugou's best shithead online, they've met a few times in person too and he's ironically the only one who knows when she's lying.

Her quirk allows her to make people in the radius of 20 metres or less see illusions of anything she's seen. She could be manipulating the illusion however she wants, she might even be projecting scenes that she's witnessed. Her quirk might not be the best physical nor defensive quirk but it's perfect for stealth.

The drawbacks however are kinda painful, mentally and physically. If she exceeds usage of 7 minutes, her eyesight will slowly deteriorate, bit by bit as it slightly stings her eyes. She will also start to hallucinate and it might even bring up unwanted memories. Nightmares are also possible during sleep. The more people she shows illusions to, the heavier the drawback is.

She was never always a big liar, she too had been one of those happy sweet girls. But ever since the death of her parents and one of her close friends, she's changed. Oh how tragic.

Her parents died when she was 12, due to an unfortunate encounter with villains. While her close friend committed suicide due to the bullying he received because he was stuck with the unlucky 20% soon after.

Wanting to get some revenge in and putting her not so useful quirk in combat, she pursued the life of a vigilante. Using her illusions to lure villains into traps, police stations, hero agencies and possibly luring them to the edge of buildings or the sea to push them in so they'll get themselves killed.

You're probably wondering where she lives. She has managed to make a deal with a nice old lady in a corner flower shop: if she works for the old lady all day, she is allowed to stay in the back room. So far, it's been pretty good for her.

It won't be long until she's caught.

T R I C K S T E R [BNHA x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now