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Tuesday, 22 October 2014

Tuesday, 22 October 2014

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Jackie had made plans with Tiana to meet up after Tiana's lecture, which ended approximately one hour and 30 minutes after Jackie's

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Jackie had made plans with Tiana to meet up after Tiana's lecture, which ended approximately one hour and 30 minutes after Jackie's. The two girls would do a Sainsbury's shop together, even though Jackie was more than capable of doing one alone, having someone there was always a comfort. Besides, Tiana and Jackie had started really getting along. It was the small conversations they had with one another while making dinner, or when they met on their way back from uni, or when Tiana knocked on Jackie's door and wondered what she was doing; it was those moments that had ultimately ended up making the two girls very close. Jackie looked down at her phone that said she had one hour left of her seminar, another text from Tiana under the time reminding her of their "Sainsbury's date". Jackie smiled a little before looking up at Teresa when she started talking.

"I don't know how I know," Teresa started, arms crossed and looking straight ahead at the blackboard. "But I failed that essay."

The Monday before, they had handed in the 1000-word reflective essay for Ensemble I, and, by the way Teresa was acting and talking, Jackie had kind of guessed it hadn't gone as well as she had hoped.

"It doesn't even count toward our final grade, but I'm still going to fail."

Regardless of this fact, Jackie had spent hours in the library in the days following up to the essay. She wanted her lecturers to get a good impression of her, no matter the importance of the assignment, and especially Anthony Goddard, her tutor in Ensemble I. She had a feeling he wasn't easy to impress, even though he had, according to Finn, liked him very much, thrilling him with his talents. Jackie very much wanted that to be her, and so she thought if she aced this reflective essay about her own skills on her primary instrument – the violin –, how they came to be and how she can improve, Goddard had to like her, right?

The class had a 15-minute break in the middle of the three-hour long seminar, and Jackie and Teresa were just sitting in their usual spot in the middle of the half-circle, talking about everything and nothing. Though Jackie had zoned out of Teresa's monologue, her brain in a never-ending spiral about how this essay would not be graded, just a paper for Goddard to read and get to know his young new musicians better. Everything was down to the exam: the performance in December. Jackie's heart started hammering a little to loudly in her ears, her breathing increasing.

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