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Final year of university included a lot of things

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Final year of university included a lot of things. A horde of assignments, the gaining of a couple of stones, a few too many panic attacks, a minimum of two extensional crises a semester, an over average amount of library books on your desk, and, most important, your dissertation. The end result of that would determine the rest of Jackie's professional life, and so, for that reason alone, it had to be phenomenal. It had to blow everyone's minds. She wouldn't rest until her piece was the best it could be; until her dissertation was written and handed in.

"Alright," Renee Callaghan, Jackie's supervisor, said while she looked at the computer screen in front of her. "Don't think I've had you in any of my seminars or lectures before, Jackie Picot."

She tried not let it show how she found the use of her surname weird. Clearing her throat, she said, "No, you haven't, Mrs Callaghan-"

"-No, no, no." Renee held up her finger, giving Jackie a grin as she looked over the rim of her purple glasses at her. "Call me Renee, please. Makes it sound so formal when you use my surname like that, we're all friends here."

Renee pushed away from her computer and rolled her office chair over in Jackie's direction, stopping when she sat by the end of her desk, closer to her supervisee. Jackie jumped a little at the sudden closeness. Renee had long greying hair, tied up into a messy, yet neat, but at the back of her head, a headband of many different colours resting atop her head, contrasting against the whitening brown. She wore a long vintage dress in multiple shades of green, some pink knee-highs, and Dr Martens that had definitely seen better days. When Jackie had told Finn who her supervisor was, he had spat his already chewed up cereal right back into the bowl before him.

"Renee 'mad as a bag of ferrets' Callaghan?" He had exclaimed yesterday morning when he came over to theirs to nick some breakfast. "She's your supervisor?"

"Oh, my God, Finn. Don't call a professor that!" Tiana looked at him in disbelief.

"Mate, her homework the first two weeks of one of my first-year modules, was to meditate for an hour every day so she could read our auras or something like that." Finn explained. "Could tell one of the lads in the far back hadn't meditated, and started having a class discussion about the importance of finding inner peace and being at one with nature. Said it was crucial for our future at uni."

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