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Sunday, 7 December 2014


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Jackie needed money. It hadn't occurred to her just how bad until she stood in the check-out in Tesco, her mum on the phone to ask for money, and panicked tears in her eyes. So, on this Sunday, Jackie was frantically looking for part-time jobs in the Clapham and Battersea area of London, though she knew she'd most likely end up working in a dodgy tourist shop in Westminster with absolutely rubbish pay. Running both hands through her hair, Jackie stared at the hundreds of different offers, none seeming appealing and none very good. The panic of having no income, of not having enough money for a train ticket home unless her parents paid for it, all came rushing down all at once. Will just have to suck it up, Jackie thought to herself, opening different tabs on her browser with all the jobs she could apply to.

Her pulse rising, Jackie let her eyes fall shut for a few seconds before she focused on the work ahead. She would have to write a CV, probably ask her dad for help as he had already offered to do so. Ever since Jackie was 13 and had her first anxiety attack, her parents had been eager to learn more about it. Neither of them were very anxious people themselves, but for their daughter, they would try to understand and learn as they wanted to know what to do if it ever occurred again. Whenever Jackie would show signs of being extra anxious, her parents would always be by her side to calm her down. Before Jackie could even open her phone to call her dad, there came a knock from her door.

"Who is it?" She asked, ready to make an excuse so she wouldn't have to be social. She was sitting in her lounge wear, blonde hair in a loose bun on the top of her head, a fluffy pink blanket draped around her shoulders, andthe white light from the cloudy day outside shining in through the window toher left.


"What's up?" Jackie asked as her flatmate poked her head in through the door.

"Can I chill? Or are you busy?"

Jackie looked back at the jobs she would be applying for later but closed her laptop to show Tiana she had all her attention. Tiana put Jackie's doorstop in under the slit at the bottom, the sound of cutlery being used in the kitchen and someone laughing making Jackie aware that her and Tiana weren't the only two up before 11am. Sitting down in Jackie's bed and nicking one of her blankets, Tiana sighed heavily, back resting against the cold concrete wall.

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