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Saturday, 31 December 2016

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Saturday, 31 December 2016

"Are you sure?" Tiana asked again, face scrunched up in a grimace. "Like really, really sure?"

Sighing, Jackie looked away from Tiana and at herself in the full-body mirror in front of her. She was wearing a white floral chiffon tiered mini dress, her cleavage just barely shoving in the slight U-shaped collar. A pair of dark brown Dr Martens boots on her feet and bare legs, Jackie just needed her dark grey ribbed faux fur puffer jacket, and she was good to go. With her blonde hair up in a ponytail, and some make up on, she was more dressed up than she had been in a while. Though she had dressed up all Christmas, this wasn't like that.

"I am," Jackie answered, turning back around to look at Tiana sitting on her bed. "I would be honest and say I didn't want to be around him if that was how I felt."

"But would you though?" Tiana told up a finger in question.

Jackie raised her eyebrow at her.

"I'm just trying to look out for you."

"I'll be fine, Ti. Thanks, though." Jackie gave her a smile, finding her keys, wallet, phone, and the bag with her bottle of white wine. "Just need to not talk to him."

Tiana got up from the bed, smoothing out her tight-fitted red dress. "Why can't you talk to Harry?"

Just hearing his name being uttered out loud made knots form in the pit of Jackie's stomach. "I just need some distance. No matter how drunk I become, don't let me talk to him, yeah?"

"Yes, sir." Tiana opened the bedroom door, letting Jackie walk out first. "Do you want me to sit next to you to ensure that doesn't happen or are you good on your own?"

Jackie walked downstairs, finding Teresa placing chairs out in the living room along with a small table from her room. It was dark outside, the British winter cursing them with early darkness and colder, longer days. You couldn't make out the garden outside the windows in the living room, the only thing they showed were a reflection of the lit-up living room and the three people inside it. Teresa put her vodka and cranberry juice on the table, sitting down in one of the kitchen chairs and looking at her two flatmates who just arrived.

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