Thank you.

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Thank you again, angels! Did I cry writing this chapter? You bet your fucking ass I did. ANYWAY, below are two songs to finish of the SOY era. First one is what I consider to be Harry and Jackie's theme, it's a song I listened to every single week, while I wrote every single part of SOY. The second is what I consider to be SOY's song, always have. You'll know it, it fucking slaps, and it fits SOY so much it's a little scary. That song is what I imagine to play in the background if there were ever to be some sort of end credits to SOY (where all your names would appear ofc, cos ily). If you want to hear the entire SOY playlist, the link's on my tumblr page.

Love you all so much, see you in November when I'm crawling out of my hibernation cave in the snowy mountains, screaming and ready to start Baby Blue aka painter!harry!

Stay hydrated, brothers
Nora x

Awards lot have given soy and i :'')

Awards lot have given soy and i :'')

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