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Thursday, 12 February 2015

Thursday, 12 February 2015

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"Blimey," Teresa mumbled before biting into her green apple

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"Blimey," Teresa mumbled before biting into her green apple. "I do want to kill Thursdays sometimes."

They were on their 15-minute break in their three-hour Composing I seminar, neither of them feeling like talking. Once the break started, they could almost sense when the other one did not want to interact or talk, so if that was the case then the girls would keep quiet. Today had kind of been like that, Jackie sitting on her phone while Teresa jut ate her apple and stared off into nothing. When her friend spoke, Jackie almost jumped a little, yawning as she tore her eyes away from her phone to look over at Teresa.

"And why's that?"

"Because they're so bloody boring. Could keep myself entertained by sorting my entire life out instead of attending this seminar."

Jackie scoffed and Teresa raised her eyebrows.

"What? You think I'm joking?"

"No, just think you have one hell of a task ahead of you."

Teresa laughed, opening her laptop on her desk again and looking up something on Google. Jackie turned back to her phone and stopped immediately. A new mail. Response to her application to a job. With her heart beating wildly in her chest, Jackie opened the mail, sure Teresa could tell the difference in her body language. Shoulders high with tension, breathing heavier, and eyes wide open; it was hard not to notice something was up. But if Teresa noticed a change in Jackie, she didn't say anything. However, Jackie herself was way too busy opening her mail to notice anything but the lit up phone screen in front of her.

Dear Miss Picot,

We are sorry to inform you...

Jackie didn't read the rest. It was enough to read the three first words to know what the rest of the mail involved. She excited the mail app and closed her phone, putting it down on the desk and staring at it for a little while. This was one of the countless times she had been declined even a job interview, and she didn't even want to think about the number if you added the failed job interviews on top of that. She felt like she would never get one, no matter how hard she tried. Every time she got declined it was like yet another blow to the stomach. It never failed to ruin her day. Though she was fully aware that she would probably get a job one day, she needed one now. She needed money because she couldn't keep asking her parents for it and her loan would never be big enough to cover all her living expenses. So, Jackie resulted to staring at her phone and thinking about how much her life truly sucked. Yet again she had hit the lowest of low. Fantastic. How was she ever supposed to stop doubting herself when something as minor as this made her question her whole existence? How was she supposed to live a normal life when her anxiety treated her like this? Jackie ran two frustrated hands through her hair, sighing lowly to herself.

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