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We walked into his house, and I looked around. He must be pretty rich.

(Details of house are up to you.)

I walked back into the room the man was in, when a thought acured to me. I turned to him.

"What's your name?" I ask him. He looks at me, in fear, but tries not to show it. "I-i'm Jim...." He says, shakily. I nod, and look around again. "How old are you, Jim?"

"I'm 13" He says, gaining a little confidence. I grin a little. I turn to him, and bow, placing my hand over my heart. "Well then it's nice to, officially meet you, Jim. You can just call me C, or Chaos." I look up to him. "I know your're scared, I get that. But I won't hurt you, if you don't give me a reason to.

He looks at me. "....will you protect me?" He asks,.suddenly, almost urgently, and desperately. I look at him, slightly surprised. I think for a moment. 'I guess I do need a place to stay, and I've got nothing better to do. I guess I'll protect him, as long as I'm going to stay here. Just this time....I can't get too attached.'

I nod, slowly. "As long as you permit me to stay here, then I can ensure that you will remain under my protection." I say, acting all smart like. (Did it work? :P)

A ghost of a smile graces his face, and he doesn't look so ugly. He sighs in relief. I raise an eyebrow. "Why, do you need to be protected?" He looks nervously at me.

"I pissed of the leader of the Black Daggers; a gang. Now, he wants to kill me, or torture me. They killed my sister..." he tells me, tearing up. My face hardens. 'Nobody deserves that.'

I walk over to him, and place a hand on his shoulder. He tenses immediately, and winced away from me. Of course, I understand why. Because I'm a worldwide known murderer, and apparently the 'one with prophecy'. But only some know the prophecy part.

I open my mouth to speak.

"For the record.....I haven't killed in nearly two years.." I say, slowly. "I'm not completely insane." I say. He nods slowly. I nod, and go look for a room.

I find, the PERFECT one. It looked like my room at the mansion. The mansion...

A wave of sadness hits me, but I wave it off. If they don't want me there, then I won't be sad. I walk into the living room, where Jim is, and tap him on the shoulder. He jumps up and whips around to face me. I put my hands up, saying 'calm yo tits, I'm not gonna kill you.'

He speaks quietly.

"What..?" "I believe I've found a room to my liking..." I say. He simply nods, and goes back doing what he was doing. Which was looking at a picture.

Upon further inspection, I find that it's a girl who looks about twenty one, with brown long hair, and blue eyes. She was smiling brightly, with an arm wrapped around a slightly younger looking Jim. He was also smiling brightly. I smiled slightly at the sight of the picture. It made me slightly envious, that they could go about, oblivious to all the world's problems.

Damn mortals.

"Hey...Chaos..?" Jim asks, slightly hesitant in saying my name. I chuckle, not taking my eyes off of the photo. "Sayin my name won't curse you or anything. It's just what I call myself."

'Because I'm either going to save a world, or bring Chaos to it.'

"Ohh....okay...well I have a...stupid question.." I nod, signalling him to go on. He looks down. " do I know you won't just kill me, when your done with me. I've read your story, and it says that you use people, then drop them."

I cut him off, with a chuckle. "Tell me, what does my story say, I'm curious."

He hesitates, but speaks. "It says that you and your brother ran away from your abusive parents, then you went back and murdered them. You stayed in the forest, killing anyone who came near you, until Slenderman came, and killed you both. It says that, you came back from the dead, wanting revenge. That's pretty much the summary."

I chuckle again. " that's what he wrote..."


"Slenderman". I say, simply. Jim gasps, and takes a step back. I raise an eyebrow, looking at him. " know..." he whispers, "THE Slenderman?" I grin a little, and whisper back, "yes, yes I do."

His face twists to shock, then to denial, then to fear. I just watch, blankly. Finally he calms down.

"One more question." He says. I nod. "Are you a...demon?" He asks. I shake my head. "At first I thought I was. Then I went to live with the Creepypasta's, and I found out who and what I was." I look him in the eyes. "I'm a very powerful immortal. It's said that I will either save, or bring Chaos and destruction to the Creepypasta, and the mortal world. " I broke eye contact, and walked around, hands behind my back, locked.

"I ran from that, and I ran from my emotions. I had a...thing with one of the 'pasta's, but I was too stupid and immature to think logically, so I left. It wasn't too bad, for they didn't want me there anyway." I turn to him.

"I was just walking through, you you happened to stumble upon me." I grin. "Lucky you."

He grimaced, and I laugh. "Eh, don't worry, I'm not that bad."


I nod. "I'm a fan if...anime. Black Butler. Sebastian has a contract with those kinds of contracts, exist?"

I turn serious. "Yes."

He looks down, and his eyes flicker back and forth, like he was.debating something.

"Can....can I make a contract with you..?"

I stay silent for a moment. "I guess."

I sigh. Now that I think about it, his souls smells pretty good. "Hmm...your soul does seem tasty...Anyway. there has to be a contract symbol. Where do you want it?"

He thinks for a moment. My eye." I stiffle a laugh. "Please tell me you're not like Ciel.."

His eyes widen. "You're a anime fan?!?"

"...yes, when I was human, I was a.anime fan, still am, actually."

I wave my hand, and he goes limp, to sleep. He falls to the ground, and I close my eyes.

__Dream World, Jim's P.O.V._

I was floating. Where? I don't know. I looked around, and everything was black. All except for a light in the distance. I reached for it, and saw that I was getting closer to it.

I stopped about twenty feet away. I studied it. There, just in front of the light, was a wolf. She was white, with a black star on her right eye. She has blue eyes, and white fur, reminding me of Chaos.

....Chaos. What the he'll did I get myself into? I just got drunk one night, and acted stupid. Now there's a Creepypasta in my house? What the hell.

I guess it doesn't matter anymore. After Shelby, I stopped caring about anything.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Chaos's voice.

"Mortal. Are you sure you wish to make a contract?"


"Do you have a lifetime wish, or goal?"

"....yes, to.avenge my.sister."

I hear a sigh. "What will be my place in your life. Some examples would be, Body guard, maid, sister, girlfriend, cousin, ext. That's your choice. Also, what would I call you."

I think for moment. "Your place will be my maid and you will refer to me as 'Master."

"After I avenge your sister, I get to devour your soul. If you say yes you can never enter the gates of heaven. I will ask but once more. So you wish to make a contract with me?"


"Yes, Master."

Then I feel a pain in my eye, and everything goes black.

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