Under My Protection.

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Chaos's p.o.v

I was in my masters room, waiting for him to fall asleep. Wasn't he a little young to be on his

own? Apparently not. And why was he drunk...?

Not even gonna ask. Jim had asked me to stay in his room, until he fell asleep. I just agreed. So now I'm sitting on a window seat,, looking out the window, through the curtains.

Jim's house was in the middle of a forest, with a giant driveway. It's not in the middle of nowhere, thank god. But it did take a while for anyone to get there.



"What were you like as a human..?" Jim asks, sleepily. I smile slightly. By now I had lowered my mask so it was around my neck, and taken off my hoodie. Might as well show Master who he's contracted with.

"A lot like I am now, actually. I act pretty much the same, except.."


"At the beginning, I had a brother, like in my story." I sat.up, and swing my legs over the window seat, my feet grazing the floor. "I took him from an orphanage, after murdering everyone else. Don't ask why I did it, I just did. I took him.with me.to the Creepypasta's, but he didn't make it..

The house...does things to you. If your not already insane entering the house, it will drive you insane. That's what it did to him. At first I was.confused. He had attacked me, and I didn't fight back, I loved my brother. Jeff had to step in."

"...what was your brothers name?"

"....Toby." I say, turning back to the window.


"Get some sleep, Master. I'll be here when you wake."

There was no reply. I just continued looking out the window, when something caught my eye.

Movement, amongst the trees.

Somebody was here.

I rushed to get my hoodie, and my mask on, and got my sword, and battle axe, and sheathed them on my back. Master stirred,.but I had to find out who was here.

The figure was moving towards the house, pretty slowly, which made me conclude that it was human.

When they were about to pass under the window, I opened it, jumped out of the window silently, and grabbed him by the neck.

EWWWWWW. It was a swag fag. GAG.

He gasped for air, and was being rather loud about it, so I flashed a little away from the house. I snarled and tightened my grip. "Who are you?" I ask, growling. He tries to claw my hand off, but it doesn't work. "Who. Are. You?"

He looks at me, and points to my hand. I raise an eyebrow, tighten my grip for a moment, then drop him. He gasps for air, clutching his throat, breathing in sweet air. I kick him in the side, sending him flying. He is laying on his side, clutching his.side, gasping.for.air. "I said."

I pick him up my the neck. "Who. Are. You." I tighten my grip, with each word.

"Black....Daggers....hired..me...to ki-ll.." He gasps out.


I throw down the driveway. "Tell them that Jim is under 'c's protection."

Hee nods and runs.

I flash to my masters room, and throw the door open. He's still sleeping soundly. I state blankly at him, then go to the window seat.

Eventually I fall asleep.

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