Chapter 2

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       I spent all night studying for this stupid test. I knew that studying for it could possibly help me get a decent grade without cheating, but none of it made sense. Does anyone really care what Tom Joad said in Grapes of Wrath? Does the knife in Romeo and Juliet actually represent broken love? I had no clue and I didn't really care. The only thing I wanted was for JT to notice me in some way that he hadn't noticed before.
I unlocked my car and threw my stuff in the back seat. English today was second period, and I had all my cheating materials set. My phone would be sitting on my lap, since JT, Mayley, and I sat in the very back of the classroom, my notes would be written along my arm, and my notebook would "accidentally" fall open if I needed it to. I was ready for the test and hopefully the others were too.
I entered the school just as the bell rang for first period. Shoot, I was late. I ran to my first period math class and flew into my seat. "Shawn, late again I see," my math teacher said, disapprovingly.
"Sorry Mrs. DeAngelo," I apologized. "My..uhm.. my dog ate my homework." My classmates laughed and Mrs. DeAngelo shot me a look. I opened my notebook and started writing. I wasn't writing anything math related though. I was actually scribbling down the definitions to the Shakespearean lingo we needed to memorize for the test. I just wanted to make sure I stayed in my A game. Math went by quickly (probably because I was late) and that meant that it was time for the English test. I took my usual seat next to Mayley and behind JT. My teacher passed out the tests and said we could begin. I jotted my name down and flipped to the first page. "What was John Steinbeck's inspiration for the Grapes of Wrath?" The first question asked.
"I don't know," I whispered to myself. I looked over at Mayley and she was whizzing through it. I glanced over at her paper and saw that she had chosen 'B' as the correct answer. The next few questions were easy. But, when I got to number thirteen, I could see that it also stumped Mayley and JT. We all shot each other panicked looks. The teacher was sitting at her desk, so we took out our phones secretly and texted each other what we thought was the correct answer. Oh and yes, JT gave me his number!!
JT quickly turned to look over at my test, I glanced at Mayley's, and she peeked at mine. And of course, as we filled in 'C', a looming shadow appeared over our tests. "See me after class," our teacher said angrily, before snatching our tests from our desks.
The clock couldn't seem to move any faster as the minutes slowly ticked away to the end of the period. I was so afraid and I could tell the others were too. Mayley had been biting her nails for the past ten minutes and JT kept shaking his legs. I looked back up at the clock.
      Five, four, three, two, one.
The bell rang and my classmates got up, turned in their tests, and walked out. Soon it was just me, Maeve, JT, and our teacher. She walked back to our seats and started talking. "You three are in very big trouble," she started. We all hung our heads in shame. "I have no choice but to give you Saturday detention." Shoot. Today was Friday. That meant tomorrow I would have to face the deans, my parents, and serve detention. Our teacher tilted her head to the door, signaling for us to get out of her sight. We quickly gathered our things and exited the classroom. I didn't say a word to JT or Mayley on the way out.
Nothing seemed to happen for the rest of the day. I got home and told my parents about having to serve a detention. They asked why but I didn't tell them. They obviously were not happy. I just ignored their yelling and walked up to my room, shutting the door behind me.
My thoughts kept racing in my head, giving me a headache. Is JT going to hate me now? Did I screw things up? Wait, but we all got caught. It should be fine right? Yeah, it should be fine.
It certainly didn't feel like things would be fine.

Sorry for the short chapter!! I'll make it up to you, just keep reading!! Hope you enjoy!

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