Chapter 13

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Immediately after the dance, my friends and I got back into Madelyn's car and drove to Brianna Hendricks' house for the after party. We pulled into her long winding driveway and entered through the grand double doors. Austin and I went into one of the many bedrooms to get changed. He unbuttoned his jacket and crisp white shirt, revealing his toned abs and muscular upper body. My breath hitched and I tried to divert my eyes. "Whoa," I said, still staring at his body. He grinned.
"You like what you see?" He asked. I nodded profusely, taking off my shirt and pulling down my pants. I grabbed my new shirt out of my bag and began to put it on when Austin walked over. Now, he was just in his tight Calvin Klein briefs. He grabbed the shirt out of my hand and threw it onto the floor. I felt myself getting tingly as he smashed his lips onto mine. His soft lips kissed passionately and I loved it. Our tongues fought for dominance and ultimately, his won. His tongue explored my mouth, making me let out a quick moan. At that, he pulled back and starting kissing my neck. I moaned as I felt around his rock hard body. He kissed my chest and my nipples before coming back up to my lips. He directed us to the bed and sat me down. "Do you want to?" He asked, before going any further. I hesitated for a moment. "Yes," I said. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine again. I pinched his nipples and started to rub his hard on through his underwear. He moaned and kissed my neck again, finding my hot spot. "Oh my god," I moaned.
"You like that don't you?"
"Mhm." He put my hands at the band of his briefs and nodded at me, telling me to pull them down. I slowly pulled his underwear down, revealing his fully naked body. I sat back for a moment and admired. "God, you're beautiful," I said. He blushed, his raging hard on sticking out right at me. I kissed the tip and stood up. "Take them off," I ordered, motioning at my underwear. Austin smiled and got on his knees, sliding my briefs off my body.
Then, he put my member into his mouth and I moaned. "Oh. Oh my god," I exclaimed. I looked down at his face to admire him.
Wait, what the hell. Why was JT sucking me off?
"JT! What the hell are you doing?" I shouted, jumping back. Then, I snapped back into reality and saw Austin standing there, his face pale. "Oh my god. I'm sorry," I stuttered. "I don't know what happened."
"I think you do," he said, putting his clothes back on.
"Austin, I'm so sorry. This was never meant to happen this way."
"I kind of figured. You still like him, don't you?"
I sighed. "I don't know."
Austin smiled. "Shawn, it's been fun. These past few months with you have been the best of my life. If you ever need someone to talk to or things with JT don't work out, I'm always here."
I felt tears start to fill my eyes. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. He left me in the room alone and I sat on the bed.
After thinking for twenty minutes, I finally came to a decision. I needed to go out and socialize with people, get drunk, and party. But most importantly, I needed to find JT.
I threw on my clothes and ran downstairs. I grabbed a cup of beer and ran around, asking different people if they knew where JT was. Lots of them said no, some of them said they saw him go into a bedroom. I took my cup and searched every bedroom in Brianna's gigantic house. Finally, after going through the entire house, I was at the door of the last bedroom. I slowly opened the door and turned on the lights. My cup fell out of my hand and my mouth widened in horror.
In front of me, Kelli George had her lips on JT's and her hands on his cock. She noticed me first, grinning at me evilly. She pulled away from JT and turned toward me. "Look babe, looks like we have people watching." JT maneuvered around her to see what she was looking at and when he saw my face, he immediately threw her off him. "Ouch!" Kelli yelled, laying on the floor. I turned toward the door, feeling hot tears starting to stream down my face. I just halfway out the door when I felt a strong hand grab my arm. JT whipped me around. "Shawn don't go," he pleaded. I looked down and noticed that he was still naked. Usually, I would've gone down on him but this made me sob more.  Once he saw my tears, he gave in and let go of my arm. I rushed downstairs, not looking back.
The last thing I heard was Kelli screaming at JT.
Suck it. Bitch.

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