Chapter 16 - One Year Later

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"Are you ready?" JT asked me.
"Yep," I answered, smiling brightly. We were off to our high school graduation ceremony.
I jumped into the passenger seat of his new Chevy Malibu and buckled my seat belt. He got into the driver's seat and turned on the engine. "Here's to the beginning of the end," he said.
"I'll cheers to that," I laughed as we pulled out of my driveway.
Mayley, Alison, Madelyn, Eliza, Gabby, and Angelina all met us at the front doors of the school auditorium. "You guys ready?" Mayley asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be," I said. We all joined hands and walked through the doors.
We took our seats alphabetically, me next to Mayley. Our principal began his opening remarks once we took our seats. "We are gathered here today to commemorate these remarkable young men and women as they complete this chapter of their lives. I will be announcing each students name and the college they will be attending."
Here we go. I glanced at Mayley and we smiled. I then scoured the rows of students and finally made eye contact with JT. He winked at me and I turned back around. Bring it on, life.
"Gabby Hails, Michigan State University." Everyone clapped.
"Kelli George, Vanderbilt University." Everyone clapped but me.
"JT Halley, Northwestern University." I clapped and cheered.
"Shawn Harding, University of California at Los Angeles." I smiled and stood up.
"Mayley Franklin, Pepperdine University." I looked over at her and cheered. Everything in life was going the way I wanted it to. My friends and I were going to college, I had the best boyfriend, and I was ready for adulthood. I was so thankful that everyone was existing at the exact same time.
After the ceremony, I met up with JT in the reception hall. "Hey Wildcat," I teased.
"Hey Bruin," he laughed. I giggled and wrapped him in a long hug. "I'm never letting go," I said. "I'm going to miss you so much next year." I started to cry.
"Hey, hey, hey," JT placed his hand under my chin. "We have all summer and I'll always be a FaceTime away."
"God, I love you," I sighed.
"I love you too." JT answered.
The rest of the night was spent dancing with my friends, laughing, crying, hugging, goodbye-ing, and everything high school seniors do at their graduation.
I looked around at all my friends and loved ones and I felt satisfied.
Life was going exactly how I wanted it to, and I couldn't have been happier

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