Chapter 10

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Oh my gosh! Prom is almost here!" Eliza exclaimed. All my friends were picking out their dresses during lunch, asking each other which of them got boys' attention without being slutty. Alison, Madelyn, and Angelina already had there dresses picked out, but Eliza and Gabby were still deciding. "How about this one?" Eliza asked, showing us her phone screen. "That is so ugly," I replied, trying to forget the vomit colored dress I had just seen. She frowned and went back to scrolling.
    Luckily for me, I had already picked out my tuxedo, despite not having a date. You be asking yourself, why hasn't Austin asked you yet? Well, I don't know. I'm not sure if he wants to be public about us yet and honestly, neither am I. JT and I never made ourselves public, so not a lot of people knew I was gay.
But, I thought he would at least ask me to go in secret. I was getting worried, prom was in a week, and I still had no date. I decided to go ask Mayley if she knew anything. I slipped out of the booth we were in and walked over to Mayley's table.    
"Hey, can we talk?" I asked. She nodded and followed me to a corner in the cafeteria. "What's up?" She asked, once we arrived.
    "Has Austin said anything to you about prom?" I questioned. I noticed that at the mention of Austin's name, her head tilted down. "What?" I asked.
    "Oh, nothing," she answered. Just then, I felt two hands grab my waist.
"WHAT THE!" I yelped, whipping around. Austin was laughing his ass off. "Oh, I got you so good!" He laughed. I frowned. "Not funny," I groaned. I turned back around to glance at Mayley, but she was gone. "What's going on?" I asked Austin.
    "I was wondering," he started. "If you wanted to go to prom with me." My cheeks turned bright red. Things had been going well between me and Austin. We had gone on six dates, made out four times, and he met my parents (kind of). I introduced him as Austin, the kid from my math class who is my partner for this project. Anyway, that's besides the point. "Of course I'll go with you," I answered.
    "Great," he beamed.
    That night, I had just finished all my homework and started to get ready to meet my friends. It was Friday night and I was ready to party. Eliza was having to celebrate an end to the prom anxiety, even though the dance was in four days. I was just finished getting into my car when I got a text.
    It was from JT.
    I looked at my phone and confused look came across my face. Why was he texting me? I opened the text.
Can you meet me at Giles Park gazebo in fifteen?
    Why did he want to meet there and with me? I hesitated before answering.
    I started the car and pulled out of my driveway. Giles Park was a ten minute drive from my house, so I just went straight there.
    I parked in the lot and walked up to the gazebo, seeing the outline of a figure in the lamp lighting. I walked up the steps and the figure, who turned out to be JT, turned around. Wow, he was early. "Hey," he said sheepishly.
    "Hi," I answered.
    "I was wondering if we could talk," he asked. I nodded. The light from the street lamps illuminated his face, making his worried look more prominent.     "What's up?" I asked.
    "Well," he started. "I—, I don't really know how to say this."
    I looked at him, fear and hope both starting to fill my eyes. Oh God.
    "I still have feelings for you," he said, blatantly.
    "Like, friendly feelings?" I asked, praying that it wasn't the other kind.
    "No. Like, I love you Shawn."
    M heart plummeted into my stomach. "Oh. Uh...," I stuttered. I looked down, unable to look into his eyes. "JT, I'm with—," I said, before he cut me off.
    "I know. I just needed to tell you."
    "Okay," I said, sighing.
    "One more thing," he said. Oh God, now what. "Mayley said that you didn't have a date to prom. I would love to be your date."
    My heart literally dropped from my stomach and into Hell. "JT, I'm so sorry. Austin asked me earlier today and I said yes."
    He frowned. "Damn JT, you had something amazing and you let it go. Idiot," he said to himself.
    "Don't blame yourself. It was my fault," I countered.
    "No," he practically yelled, making me jump back. "It was never your fault. I really overreacted and now look where we are."
    I felt tears starting to pool in my eyes. "Well, thanks for meeting me," he said, walking away. I didn't respond and just sat on the ground.
    I turned toward the entrance and looked up at the moon. There were so many emotions that I had to process.
    JT still likes me. Wait no, he loved me. And in all honesty, I loved him too. He was my first boyfriend and he treated me so well. I really messed up when I cheated on him and I regretted everything I had done. But, then there was Austin. I really liked him. He was there for me when JT wasn't. Plus, he was my current boyfriend.
    So much had happened in the last few months, I couldn't process everything. All I knew was that I really loved both of them. Damn, I liked two beautiful and amazing boys, but I only had one heart. I really didn't know what to do or who to choose.
        Fuck, this was going to be tough.

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