Chapter 8

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After I was discharged from the hospital, my parents came and drove me home. They were really worried about me, but the car ride home was silent. Once I got home, I ran up to my bedroom. I threw my old clothes onto the floor and slowly got onto my bed. I closed my eyes and started crying. These past few days had been the worst in my life. First, I cheated on my soon-to-be-boyfriend unwillingly. Then, my best friend got mad at me for not telling her that I was gay. Next, my soon-to-be-boyfriend dumped me and didn't even tell me to my face.
I just couldn't take it. I laid on my bed for a good two hours, just crying.
I had gotten a bunch of calls and texts, so I decided to see who they were from.
Hey, are you okay? Austin.
Call me when you can. Austin.
I really want to see or hear from you. Austin.
I scrolled down some more, not answering Austin's texts. I just couldn't talk to him, especially after the fact that all this was his fault. If he hadn't brought me to the bedroom and tried to hook up with me, everything would be fine. I get that he liked me, but couldn't he have at least waited until I was sober to tell me?
Hey. I'm so sorry about everything. Let's hang out when you're ready. Mayley.
I replied to her text. Sure, I'll let you know.
Hey, what happened this weekend? Madelyn.
Are you okay? What happened? Eliza.
What's going on? Shawn? Angelina. I put my phone down, leaving everyone else on read. I just needed some time to myself.

Three days later.

Finally, after laying in bed for three days, the doctor allowed me to go back to school. I never thought I would actually want to go to school, but I was wrong. I walked into the building, feeling happy about being able to see everyone again. People would occasionally glance at me, but it was because of my cast.
I walked into lunch and over to my friends' table. I stood at the head, clearing my throat. Everyone looked up, except for Alison, and fired a bunch of questions at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Why didn't you answer my texts?"
"What happened?"
"Are you dating Austin Winters?"
At the last question, I whipped my head to see who asked it. It was Alison. "Guys," I started, taking two deep breaths. "I need to tell you all something." They all looked at me, curiosity in their eyes. "What's up?" Angelina said.
"Guys. I'm gay," I said, looking down. Then, it was silent. Come on, say something. Say anything!
"Okay. Now would be a good time to say something," I said.
"We still love you. You aren't any different," Madelyn said. I smiled.
"I still think you're the best," Angelina laughed. I looked longingly at Alison, "you weren't the last to know."
She sighed. "I forgive you. I'm sorry I overreacted."
"I'm sorry too," I said. "I should've told you sooner." She got up from the table and gave me a big hug. I smiled widely and hugged her back. Two of the people I had lost over the weekend had forgiven me. Now I just needed to get one more back.
I had a feeling it would be a lot harder than I thought.
I walked into English class and JT was sitting in the seat in front of mine. He looked up at me and I gave him a friendly smile. He didn't reciprocate it and looked back down at his phone. I glanced over at Mayley and she gave me a "sorry" look. I frowned and sat down.
Through the class, I had asked him a lot subtle questions.
"What page are we on?"
"Do you get this?"
"This book is so bad, right?"

I didn't get an answer to any of them.

After class, he pulled my aside in the hallway.
    Yes! He had forgiven me.

I was wrong.

"Please just leave me alone," he said. "I can't deal with this. Looking at you makes me want you, despite being pissed."
I frowned.
"Listen, I'm so sorry. Why can't you forgive me?"
"Would you forgive me if I did the same thing to you?"
"Uh—," I hesitated.
"I thought so," he said, walking away with his head down.
I ran out of school so quickly that I barely didn't even see Austin run up to me. He grabbed my arm and whipped my around. "What?" I said, tears starting to pool in my eyes. I needed to get out. Austin noticed my tears and wrapped his arms around me. "It'll be okay," he reassured me. I stood there in his strong, yet gentle embrace, feeling a warmth that I hadn't felt in a long time. I hugged him back and thanked him. "I know this might be too soon," Austin started. "But I'd really like to give us a try."
I blushed. What else did I have to lose? I was single again and I did like him last year, so why not?
"Me too," I replied, blushing.

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