Chapter 11

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Prom had arrived. I had spent all of yesterday at school thinking about JT, Austin, and prom. My friends had finally decided on dresses and I had found a date. Sorry to get your hopes up, but I was going with Mayley. Well technically, I didn't want my parents finding out I was going with a boy so I asked her to be my cover. I talked to Austin about the cover up and he didn't seem to mind.
I was at Angelina's house with Eliza, Gabby, Alison, and Madelyn. We were all getting dressed and talking about stupid things. "So Shawn," Angelina said while applying her lipstick. "Got any special plans with Austin tonight?"
"Shut up," I smiled. My friends had all accepted me for me and I couldn't have been more thankful. Suddenly, I thought about who JT was going with tonight and I frowned. Alison apparently noticed and dragged me out of Angelina's bedroom. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. She gave me a look. "Fine," I caved. "I can't stop thinking about JT and the talk we had a few nights ago."
"What talk?" She looked confused. Then, I told her all about what JT had said to me at the gazebo and how I felt about it. "That bastard," she muttered. "He can't confuse you like that. It's just not fair."
"I guess," I replied. There was an awkward silence before Gabby yelled out to us. "Guys, lets get going!"
"Coming!" I shouted back. I grabbed my suit jacket and walked downstairs with my friends. We threw our extra clothes for our after party in the back and jumped into Madelyn's car. We decided she would drive because we designated her the designated driver. "You guys suck," Madelyn complained.
"Guess you'll have to drink water tonight," Alison teased. Madelyn shot her a look from the rear view mirror and pulled out of Angelina's driveway.
We got to the dance in about twenty minutes and pulled into a parking spot. We walked into the building with our tickets and got checked in. My friends and I had gasped at how the room was decorated. Long white and blue streamers hung from the walls and a huge disco ball sparkled on the ceiling. "Wow," Eliza gaped.
"Hey guys!" Mayley came up behind us with her date, Henry Summers.
"Hey Mayls," I replied before catching a glimpse of Austin coming up the stairs. He looked great in a sharp black tuxedo and a blue tie with his blonde hair pushed back. "Wow," I said as he walked up to me.
"Wow yourself," he smiled. "You look amazing."
"So do you," I gushed. All my friends awwwed and we walked in. As Austin and I walked down the stairs to the main dance floor, I noticed that everyone had their heads turned and were watching us. I saw heads lean into others as people whispered. We were met by more of Mayley's friends. Among them, JT stood alone and he looked right into my eyes. My heart jumped and I suddenly felt a pang if guilt. "You guys look so good!" Holly Mars, one of Mayley's best friends yelled to us. I smiled back at her. Austin and I walked over to a tall table and he went to get us drinks. I turned around and found my friends dancing up a storm. I laughed at their crazy dance moves. I then scanned the crowd and found JT. Right then, my heart broke into a million pieces.
There he was.
With Kelli George.
Suddenly, jealousy filled my mind, my heart, and my soul. I glanced down and my left leg was shaking uncontrollably. The jealously was overcoming me. I paced over to JT, totally forgetting about Austin, and grabbed his arm. "We need to talk," I lied as I dragged him away.
"Where are we going? Is somebody jealous?" JT teased.
"Just shut up and follow me."
We marched into the bathroom and into the nearest vacant stall. I slammed him against the wall and crashed my lips into his. We kissed passionately for a few minutes before JT broke the kiss. "Wow, I missed this," he gasped.
"Shut up," I ordered, before slamming my lips back onto his. We made out for another five minutes before we decided to go back into the dance before people got suspicious.
I left first and headed into the dance. I walked back to the table I was sharing with Austin. He was talking to one of his friends before turning his attention back to me. "Hey, where'd you go?" He asked.
"I just needed to talk to someone," I lied.
For a split second, I thought he believed it. That is, until JT walked back into the dance and I saw the color drain from Austin's face.

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