Chapter 14

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    I ran into the living room where everyone else was dancing and drinking. I needed to get out of here. I tried to squeeze past two girls, but instead I rammed into them. "Ouch," the one girl said, whipping around. Her friend followed. "Shawn?" The one girl asked. I cleared the tears from my eyes and realized that it was Mayley, and the other girl was Alison. "I'm sorry," I sobbed, running past them and down to the basement. I threw myself onto the plush leather couch and buried my head into a pillow.
    "Hey, what happened?" Mayley asked, making her presence known. Alison was at my side, a worried look on her face. "It's JT," I cried. My two friends sat down next to me. "I went to look for him to tell him how I feel. When I found him, he was getting a hand job from that whore, Kelli."
    "No way," Mayley gasped. "Don't worry. Kelli George is socially dead at our school. I already have the Instagram post written."
    "No, don't. It's his life. Let him do what he wants," I said. Mayley shrugged and we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Who is it?" Alison yelled. The person didn't make themselves known until they were fully visible. "I figured you would be down here," JT said, fully clothed this time.
    "Jesus. Get out!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face again.
    "Shawn. I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. Kelli and I were talking and then suddenly we were making out."
    "Spare me the details," I stammered.
    "JT, I thought you were better," Mayley shook her head, she and Alison walking back upstairs. It was silent in the dark basement. JT then sat down on the couch next to me. I sniffled and scooted myself away. He reached for my hand and took it in his. "Shawn, please. I'm so sorry."
    "God, how come this relationship is just us saying sorry back and forth? You know, you are such a hypocrite. You asked me once after what I did to you how I would feel if I were in your shoes and now I know! I get why you were so mad and why you dumped me. I get it. And things with Austin were perfect. Until... until you ruined it! God, you motherfucker. I ended things with Austin tonight because I realized that I love you! I wanted to get back together and work things out but I guess you didn't feel the same way. You really led me on after our talk at the gazebo and I actually thought you wanted me back! HA! Damn, I'm fucking stupid. Well, now I know how you felt and I don't like it. Call me when you decide to stop being a hypocrite!"
    JT sat there on the couch, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. He didn't say anything for a long time, still in shock. "You dumped him for me?" He finally asked.
    "Yes! God, did it take you that long to get that?" I asked. "You're insane."
    "Shawn, I.... I don't know what to say," he stuttered.
    "JT, you are the love of my life. I've had a crush on you since the being of this year and I think you are perfect. You are nice, funny, smart, so fucking hot and I love you for all of it. But, I can't love someone who gets mad at me for something and does that same thing! I just can't with this. With us. It's too much for me and I just need some space. Good bye," I finished, leaving him behind in the barely lit basement.

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