Chapter 5

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It had been three weeks since JT and I had our first date, almost got caught, then went back to his house and hooked up. Dating JT was the best thing that has happened in my life. When I was down, he would text me sweet things to cheer up. When I was happy, he was happy. God, he was the best first boyfriend ever.
"Hey Shawn," Angelina said, walking up behind me. "You going to Mayley's Halloween party tomorrow?"
"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied. Mayley had been throwing Halloween parties ever since freshmen year. The first party was where I came out to Gabby and Sara. But, it was always the best party of the year and everyone looked forward to it. You could only go if you received a bloody "fang" in your locker telling you to attend. I was lucky enough to get one for the last two years, and I definitely was going to get one this year. Being Mayley's friend was a very exclusive thing. She was one of the most popular girls at school and being her friend meant that you got all the perks, including being invited to the most exclusive parties.

The next day.

I was getting ready for Mayley's Halloween party with Alison, Madelyn, and Angelina. We all drove to Alison's for a little "pregame." The party started at ten and we planned to get there at 10:30. Like usual, we didn't want to be the first people there.
JT was going with his friends, so it was going to be hard to get him alone. He kept reassuring me that he would whisk me away and hang out with me for a little, but I wasn't so sure. JT's friends were all like him. Hot, straight, and douchebags. I'm not saying JT is a douchebag, but he was once. Austin Winters, one of JT's friends, was my first crush when I came to high school. He was tall, with blonde hair and tan skin. I found out I was attracted to him when he took off his sweatshirt, lifting his whole shirt, and I got a clear view of his body. My heart pounded against my chest and that's when I knew. Plus, he was super nice and smart, but that's besides the point.
I had never told JT about my crush on Austin because it didn't really matter. It was just some sophomore thing that had slowly gone away. Good thing that it was gone because I would feel guilty for liking someone while being with someone else.
My friends and I had finished getting dressed and had jumped into Angelina's car. We drove for ten minutes in her blue Toyota Corolla and then pulled into Mayley's driveway. We all exited the car and walked into Mayley's gigantic and decorated house. I had been to her house once before and I remember being stunned at how big it was. It was like JT's house, just with one more floor.
Her parents always went away during Halloween, which meant it was the perfect time for her to throw a party. Her house was garnished in black and orange decorations, black cat cutouts, and more. Halloween for Mayley's friends, both the girls and guys, was a time to dress up in literally nothing. Lots of the girls, including the girls I came with, were dressed in bralettes and booty shorts. The boys wore tank tops, swimsuits, or just showed up in their underwear. I was wearing a basketball jersey and black shorts. Nothing special, but it was just enough to get people to turn and look.
Mayley ran up to me in her bunny ears and see through one piece and hugged me. "So glad you could make it!" She yelled over Travis Scott.
"Me too, this place looks sick!" I shouted back. She took my hand and lead me to the drinks. She handed me a beer and went to talk to Kalina Henderson and Kelly Bronner. I stood there at the drinks table alone for a few minutes, slowly sipping my beer. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped. I whipped around and saw JT pouring himself a drink. "Jumpy tonight, aren't you?" He teased.
"Funny," I groaned. "I just wasn't ready."
"That's the point."
"Whatever." He came a bit closer to me and slipped a piece of paper into my pocket. Before I could open it, he walked back to his friends. I took the little slip of paper out and read it.
"11:15. Upstairs bedroom on the right."
I grinned. I looked up to where he was and he winked at me. I blushed and went to find my friends.
The night consisted of dancing, drinking, eating, and more drinking. After about two beers and six shots, I was starting to feel it. Alison and Angelina were already starting to get clumsy. I felt my legs turn to jello before falling. Well, kind of falling. I got caught by two strong arms that hoisted me back up. "Thanks JT," I slurred.
"Nope, it's not JT," the person said. "It's Austin."
"Oh, hi Austin," I said. I turned around, still in his arms. "You know," I started. "You're really cute."
He smiled as I couldn't stop giggling. "You're cute too," he said. I suddenly straightened up, looking right at him. "What?" I asked.
"Oh yeah," he hesitated, rubbing his neck. "Shawn, I like you."
         I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What do you mean?" I drunkenly stuttered.
"You know what I mean," he replied.
Holy crap. Austin liked me? Why? When? I had so many questions, but unfortunately, I was too drunk to ask them. Then, he whispered in my ear, "Follow me." Being the stupid drunk that I am, I followed him. He lead me up the stairs and into the bedroom on the right. He sat me down on the bed and started kissing my neck. "Oh, that's nice," I giggled. He kept kissing me, before taking off both our shirts. He then switched from my neck to my lips. His lips were soft like JT's, and I felt his passion. He really wanted me. Just like how I wanted him last year. "You're so hot," I moaned in between kisses.
"Forty five minutes until midnight," he said. "You could be my first kiss of the new month."
"Ha, it's not New Years Eve," I laughed.
"It feels like it when I'm with you," he replied.     That was it. I kissed him even harder, running my hands through his hair and all over his body. We had been going for a good twenty minutes before I reached for his pants. I began to unbuckle his belt and he tore off my shorts. We had just taken almost everything off when the door opened and someone walked in. I couldn't tell who it was because I was drunk and it was super dark.
Then, the person turned on the lights and I got a clear view of who it was. JT. He stood there with two candles and some roses in his hands. His jaw dropped and all the contents in his grasp fell to the floor. "Oh, hi JT," I giggled.
"What the hell?" JT yelled. Austin quickly threw on his clothes and put his hands up. "Dude, what's the problem?" He asked.
"That problem is that you are literally about to have sex with my boyfriend!" Austin looked from JT, to me, and back to JT. "Oh shit man. I didn't know you were—," he stuttered.
"Wait," I said. "Did you just call me your boyfriend?" JT stood there, speechless.
"I mean, I was about to ask you tonight," he said, before walking out and slamming the door behind him. "Well damn, that killed the mood," Austin said.
"You think," I replied.
After he left, I laid back onto the bed, closing my eyes and passing out.
If only I knew what would be coming over the next few days...

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