Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Get up." I woke up to my mom saying that about sixteen times. I slowly rose and looked at the clock. 7:30. "Oh my god! Why am I up so early on a Saturday?" I exclaimed. I knew exactly why, but I wanted to hear her say it.
"You have to be at school at eight for your—," she hesitated. "Punishment." I grimaced at how scary it sounded. I waited until my mom was gone before jumping out of bed and into the bathroom. I locked the door and started the water. I watched as the steam clouded the mirror. I stripped out of everything except my Calvin Klein underwear and I admired my biceps, my pecs, and even my abs. I guess all that training for lacrosse paid off. I then jumped into the shower, feeling the hot water massage my muscles and the steam clear my nose. I got out, threw on a pair of khakis, a UCLA sweatshirt and walked downstairs. "Mom, why can't I drive myself to school?" I complained.
"In case you decide detention isn't for you and sneak off," she replied. I frowned and got into the passenger seat as my mom ignited the engine.
We got to school at 7:55 and Mayley pulled up right next to us. I got out of the car and slammed the door, meeting Mayley by the front doors. "Ready?" I asked her.
"As ready as I'll ever be," she replied.
We walked inside and met JT by the front desk. Mayley said hi while I just smiled. The three of us walked slowly to our impending doom. We reached the deans office at the end of the long hallway and unwillingly entered. "How can I help you?" The friendly receptionist asked.
"We're here for detention," JT responded. Her smile then turned into a frown as she called for Dean Johnson. She came out of her office and beckoned for us to follow her. She made sure we were the right people before telling us that we needed to help set up chairs in the big gym for an event that was being held tonight. Okay, I guess this isn't as bad as sitting in a quiet room doing nothing for two hours. We followed her into the gym and she instructed how to set up each chair. Then, she left us to do our work in "peace."
"This is going to take hours," JT complained. Mayley and I groaned in agreement as we started setting up chairs. The three of us didn't talk much because well, there wasn't anything to talk about. It was kind of awkward almost, like Mayley and JT knew something that I didn't. I went to set up more chairs in the far corner of the gym and when I turned, I saw the two of them whispering frantically. I wanted to know what was going on, so I walked back to them. "What's going on?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing," Mayley replied. JT looked down at the ground awkwardly, shuffling his feet.
About an hour had past and I was getting really bored. I could tell the others were too because JT was sitting against the wall and Mayley was stroking her mid-length brown hair, making sure her blonde highlights were visible. In my opinion, Mayley was beautiful. She had brown hair with light blonde highlights, she was a decent height and had a nice body. All the guys went crazy when she was around them. I mean, I couldn't blame them. If I was twenty percent straighter, I'd probably go for her too.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Mayley said, making her exit known.
"Thanks for telling us," I said sarcastically, making her roll her eyes as she left. Soon enough, it was just me and JT standing in a gym full of chairs, alone. I sat down in one of the many chairs and just stared at the wall in front of me. I didn't even realize but JT had come and sat next to me. "Hey," he said.
"Hi," I replied, not knowing what else to say.
"How are you?"
"Fine, considering the situation."
He let out a little laugh. My heart jumped and I felt my face heat up. "You okay? You look a little red," JT said. This made me blush even more. "No, I'm fine, I—," I stuttered. Then, things got quiet. We both looked around like we were waiting for something to happen. JT broke the silence. "You know, I notice when you look at me in English," he said. I looked at him, in shock. Did he know? "No I don't," I countered.
"Don't try hiding it. I know what you think about when you see me."
I didn't say anything. This was all happening way to fast. He kept talking. "If I'm being honest here, I think I look at you the same way you look at me." My eyes widened. No way. NO WAY. "Does that mean what I think it means?" I asked.
"I guess," he started. "But I've never felt this way about a guy before. I don't know what it means. It's scary."
I nodded, "Yeah, it can be." Wait, what just happened? Did I just tell my crush that I was gay? Did he tell me the same thing? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. "All I know is that I feel some type of way about you," he said. My heart did thirty flips. I blushed. "I think I feel the same way," I replied.
"I guess we can see how this goes, but—," he hesitated. "Do you want to try being a, I don't know, a thing?"
He looked at me, waiting for an answer. My head kept spinning and spinning. I hadn't even noticed that Mayley was in the corner, smiling. I knew what my answer was long before I had said it.
"Yes." I said contently.
Best. Detention. Ever.


hey everyone,
do u guys like the chapters longer or shorter? Or are they the perfect length? LET ME KNOW!

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