Chapter 4

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      It had been four days since JT had asked me out. Suddenly, everything about my life seemed better. I smiled more. I laughed more. My grades all went up. My friends seemed nicer. All because of one stupid, yet stupidly gorgeous boy. I walked into school and caught up with Alison. "Hey!" I exclaimed, smiling extra wide today.
"What's with the sudden attitude change?" She asked. I had forgotten that I talked to her for three hours on Friday night about how much life sucked. "Oh you know," I said. "Good things have been happening." She looked at me questioningly, but didn't pry any further. I really wanted to tell her the actual reason I was so ecstatic, but I just couldn't. JT and I both wanted to keep our new relationship a secret, so telling her might blow up in my face. I didn't know how she would react, especially since she went to preschool with JT.
I told her I had to meet someone to work on a project, so I ran off to the library. But, I didn't actually run to the library. JT had texted me to meet him in the first floor bathroom. "What's up?" I asked, catching my breath after running.
"Do you want to go out with me?" He asked immediately. I twisted my head in confusion, still catching my breath. "Didn't you already ask me out on Friday?" I questioned. He grinned.
"I mean like on an actual date? How about a movie?"
I thought about it. Movies were a super cliché first date, but also super romantic (kind of). They were also places where other kids could see us. "What if other kids show up?" I asked.
"Don't worry. I'll pick you up and we will go somewhere far from anyone we know," he reassured me. I smiled. He looked at me, wanting an answer. "Sure," I replied. "Let's do it."
"Great, I'll pick you up at six on Friday," he said, intertwining his hands with mine. This made my heart leap. I also didn't expect such a gesture from someone who just wanted to be a "thing." Although I was confused, I let it happen.
We planned our exit from the bathroom, with me going first and him coming out one minute later. I shot him a quick smile as I left the bathroom, my whole body tingling with excitement.
I went to my next three classes and the only thing, person I should say, I could think about was JT. I was so excited for Friday.
I walked to lunch and took my seat with my friends. "Hey Shawn," Madelyn said. "Do you want to hang out Friday night with me and Alison?"
I didn't answer right away. "Uhm," I started. "I would love to but I can't. I have to work on a project and do other homework." I lied. I literally just lied to my best friends. Alison frowned and Madelyn did too. "But maybe I could meet you guys later if you are still together," I suggested. Madelyn smiled and her eyes lit up. "That'd be so fun!" She exclaimed.
The rest of the week flew by and finally, it was Friday. I had just gotten home from school and decided to just relax. I couldn't bring myself to focus on homework because I was so excited. I still couldn't believe that JT and I were actually going out. It felt like a dream.
At 5:30, I got a text from JT.
"Be there in 10," it read.
I leaped off my bed and threw on sweatpants, a T-shirt, and a hoodie. I know what you're probably thinking. You're dressing like that on your first date? Well, yes. JT and I had agreed that we both had to dress casually so people wouldn't get suspicious. At 5:45, I got another text.
"Here," it said. I smiled and ran outside.
There he was. JT was standing outside his black Tesla in khakis and a polo shirt. He was opening the door for me and I got in. "What a gentleman," I teased. He laughed. "Only for you," he replied. I blushed like crazy when he said that. He walked around the car to get into the front seat, which gave me about ten seconds to catch my breath. He hopped into the driver's seat and turned on the engine. "I feel so underdressed now," I whined. "You told me to dress casual."
"You look perfect," he said.
"Okay, what's up?" I asked, giving him a strange look. He wasn't usually this gentleman like.
"I'm just excited. And I really, really like you," he answered.
We talked the whole way to the movie theater. JT parked the car and ran ahead to hold the door for me to get into the theater. He then bought our tickets and got himself a soda and me a water. "I feel so bad," I said walking down the hallway. "You're doing everything."
"It's my pleasure. Don't worry about it," he said.
God, he was perfect.
We walked into the theater and took our seats, sitting in the dark. People trickled in and a part of me kept worrying. What if someone I know walks in?
       Everything was fine. Perfect, actually. I was sitting next to my crush, hand in hand, both of us smiling. The previews started playing and my worries subsided.
But, just then, two teenage girls walked in. At first, I didn't recognize them, but when a bright light from the screen reflected off their faces, my face filled with fear.
It was Alison and Madelyn.
"JT," I whispered, tapping his shoulder repeatedly.
      "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. I pointed toward my friends. "Two of my friends are literally here," I practically shouted. JT did a double take before realizing I was right. "Shit," he said. I threw my hood over my head and sank into my chair.
This perfect first date was ruined. Why were my friends even out this far anyway?
JT and I both kept perfectly still, slumped in our seats. He motioned for me to slowly get up and slide out with him. I briskly got up and exited the theater. We both walked briskly back to his car, looking back every three seconds. "I'm so sorry," I began once I knew we were in the clear. "I don't know why they are out this far."
"It's totally fine. It's not your fault," he said calmly. I knew we both wanted to keep our secret, but part of me felt like he was a little upset.
We got into his car and started driving. "What should we do now?" I asked.
"We could go back to my place," JT suggested. "My parents aren't home."
What was he suggesting? I grinned. "Sure, I'm game," I said.
JT unlocked the door to his house and let me in. The house was big, with tall ceilings and white walls. I followed him up a staircase and into his bedroom. I had always known he had money, but that's not why I liked him. "So, this is my room," he said awkwardly, motioning for me to enter.
"Nice," I said. It was true. It was nice. His king sized bed sat in the middle of the room, covered with blue sheets and a comforter. His dresser and desk sat in the right corner, covered with clothes and books. The TV on his wall was about forty inches and made the room seem bigger. "Really nice," I said, feeling the comforter.
"You can sit down if you want," he said, looking off to the side. I took his offer. "Oh my god, this bed is so soft," I moaned. He laughed, which made me smile. He sat down next to me laid his hand onto my hand. I looked at him and he looked back. His eyes were like deep blue pools, begging for me to drown in them. "You're staring," he said.
"Oh, sorry, I—," I began, before being interrupted by JT planting his lips onto mine.
His lips were soft and his tongue immediately found its way to mine. We kept kissing and then JT got up and closed the door. Coming back to the bed, he drew off his shirt. Oh my god. Just as I had imagined. His tan skin complimented his toned abs and strong arms. "Wow," I gaped. He smiled widely. Still standing, he pulled my shirt over my head and leaned in for another kiss. He sat back down and I kissed my way around his body. I kissed his neck, his arms, and his chest. With each kiss, he let out a little moan, making me smile.
This date gone from good, to horrible, to great. And honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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