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You gulped as you knocked on his studio door. "Yoongi? It's me." You heard some footsteps then a click. "There's a doorbell now."

"Oh, sorry." You sat down on his couch feeling the cold leather hit your exposed flesh. "So why did you want to see me here?" You asked emphasizing the word "here".

He sat in his chair focusing on his screen. "I saw what happened at the interview." You cocked your head, "What happened?"

"That question if I was good in bed."

"Oh..." you felt yourself grow a light cherry red. You've never been touched by Yoongi or anyone else for that matter. So the subject was foreign to you. "I get it, we haven't done it but you could've teased the public."

"By saying what?" The fire was lit inside you. "Saying something like 'he's everything you'd expect and more' you know?" Your eyebrows scrunched together. "Yoongi, I'm not going to lie to your fans."

You heard a sigh, "Whatever (Y/n), you can go home."

"Are you coming home tonight?" You asked with a sense of hope that you always have.

"No." You nodded your head and stood up. You quickly went over to Yoongi and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Don't over work yourself Yoongs." You smiled as you walked out. It was just a small argument, couples have them all the time. Yet no matter what happens you always give Yoongi a kiss goodbye, followed by some caring reminders.

You went to exist his company building as you were stopped by a boy.

"HI ARE YOU (Y/N)!" You nodded your head very slowly. "HI I'M JUNGKOOK! AND I JUST WOULD LOVE IF YOU WOULD TRY OUT MODELING!" The man quickly took your hand and shook it.

"Me? No I'm-"

"You're beautiful! I think you're more than just Min Yoongi's girlfriend!" The boy gave you a trusting smile. "Thank you but I don't think Yoongi would like that-"

"What wouldn't I like?" You heard his voice and you looked over your shoulder. "Who are you?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook! I come from BigHit entertainment, we're hoping to collaborate-"

"No thank you-" you felt bad at how Yoongi didn't even give the poor boy a chance. "Why?" His eyes grew big.

"You disrespected my girlfriend, she doesn't need to be a model she's fine with just being my girlfriend." You then remembered at how Yoongi never wanted you too much in the public eye on the count of people would hurt you.

He's only looking out for you.

"He's right, please go back to your company." You said while holding onto Yoongi's shoulder."

"I see well, here is my business card", Jungkook said handing you a small card.

"Throw that out, and you left your phone", Yoongi handed back your phone and left. For some reason you didn't feel like throwing Jungkook's card away.

You quickly put in your bag and went to the car.

"Where too miss (Y/L/N)?"

"Back home." You looked out the window and noticed that Jungkook boy having struggles with hailing a taxi.

"Wait stop." The driver pulled over and you rolled down the window. "Jungkook!" You called out. He smiled and ran towards you. "Hi!"

"Do you uh...need a ride?" The boy happily smiled and invited himself inside. "Where are you going?"

"To the company I work for obviously."


"Thank you so much!" Jungkook happily said as he stepped out of the car. It was a long ride and you were sure you saved him some money.

"Can I give you a hug? I don't know I feel like a thank you isn't enough." You laughed and opened your arms as Jungkook patted your back lightly.

"What a gentleman" you thought to yourself.

"I hope I see you again (Y/n)!" You waved Jungkook goodbye.

You thought you were doing a nice favor.

And yet the paparazzi and their cameras make everything seem like what they're not.

The next days would be a living hell, all for trying to be a nice person.

He's Conceded | Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now