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"I don't think I can..." You said awkwardly as Jin was pulling out some clothes. "Well (Y/n) no offense but you kinda let yourself go." You bit on your tongue because you know it was true. Yoongi gave you everything so you didn't work, and because you don't work you don't know many people. Result of not knowing people meant that you don't go out.

"Besides, we're already gaining attention." Namjoon was right. First you were seen hugging Jungkook, now cameras would snap every now and then because you were the Kims.

Jin is the CEO of his company, Namjoon makes music, and Taehyung goes collage yet he does a modeling gig on the side when ever he can.

"Tae, go act all close to (Y/n)!" Jin pushed Taehyung more near you. "Guys, It's late I should probably just go home you know?"

"I think the fuck not! We're gonna give these paparazzi people a night they've never seen before." Jin whispered into your ear as you heard some more snapping and clicks from cameras.

You smiled somewhat yet deep down you just wanted to be at home. Even if Yoongi wouldn't be coming back you didn't care.

"So that dress is somewhat nice but I think you can show off your shoulders you know?" Namjoon handed you a two piece outfit that you already knew you hated.

"Where are we even going?" You took the clothes and had a sour look on your face. "The club where else."

"Common (Y/n), you want Yoongi to go back like how he was before right? A little jealousy never hurt anyone." Taehyung swung his arm around you.

"If this doesn't work I'm running away." You said as you went into the dressing room.

"Guys I uh...invited the guy I'm talking to please be chill..." Taehyung said as the car pulled up. "Oh cute." You said as you stepped out.

"Taehyungie!" Your head went over to the direction of the voice. "Taehyungie?" Jin looked confused while Namjoon slipped his hand to Jin's waist.

"Oh (Y/n)!"

"Jungkook?" Taehyung stared at the two of you confused. "How do you guys know each other?"

"Jungkook, was who I hugged and everyone flipped over for." Jungkook put his head down in embarrassment. "I just wanted (Y/n) to be model for the company you know?" 

"I think she could, but let's talk about that another time." Jin said as he began walking inside. You walked with the boys into a dark building with music blasting. Lights flashed from time to time but you already felt sick.

"Guys!" But it was too late, you had lost them already. "Fucking hell." You walked up some stairs and tried to find them from looking above.

It was too dark.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing?" You turned around and faced a man who smirked. "I'm just- I uh-"

"Aren't you Min Yoongi's girlfriend?" You nodded your head. "Looks like I can't hit on you, take care."

For some reason you had to ask this man's name. "Wait." You tugged on their shirt. "What's your name?"

"Why do I look familiar?" You cocked your head. Now in the lighting of blues and whites flashing you could see their face a bit better.

"I'm Park Jimin." It rang familiar in your head.

"Yoongi, he had a one stand with me remember?"

And that's when everything came back into your head.

"I'm sorry about that again, I just didn't know he was taken and then-"

You felt beyond queasy, you felt everything coming at you all at once.

"(Y/n)?" You grabbed onto Jimin's shirt and then fell. "Shit, I'm-"

Your head was pounding and you couldn't see due to tears forming in your eyes.

"(Y/n)!" You saw some more figures standing about you, yet you couldn't bring yourself to say anything.

You opened your eyes slowly and saw white.

"Fuck (Y/n), what were thinking?" You looked over to your left. You saw Yoongi sitting down, bags under his eyes were bagger than normal. His hair was popping out every which way.

"I love you." You said while extending your hand over to cup his face. "We have an argument and this is what you do? Do you know how bad this looks?"

"I saw Jimin again, he looked healthy..." you said as you saw that you were in a hospital down. "WHO? PARK FUCKING JIMIN?"

"Don't be too loud please."

"Did he do this to you?"

"No, I just, I remembered everything again and I-"

"You're not over it huh?" Yoongi shook his head. "I am, at least I think I am." You said trying to convince yourself.

"You know that's the biggest mistake I've ever made right?"

"Do you say that because you hurt me or because you're afraid of people finding out you cheated on me, not even with a girl but with a guy?" Yoongi looked away. "Do you really want me to answer that.

"Go for it."

"You getting hurt is not as bad as people finding out that I-"


"Stop (Y/n), you know that you know can leave me at anytime, you can ruin me by putting this out into the public, don't act like you can't free yourself from me."

"Can you leave? I'm trying to recover here."

"You were with the Kims right? Why?"

"They're my friends and I wanted to see them so what?" Yoongi opened the door, "That's not what it looks like from an outsiders point of view."

"I don't care." Well the boys were right you did grab Yoongi's attention.

"You can free yourself you know."

"Just say you want to break up with me and go." You turned over so you wouldn't have to face him.

"I don't actually, something really deep inside me hopes you don't go. I cant ignore it, yet lately you've been giving me reasons to." With that Yoongi walked out.

Yet he's right, you can ruin in him in seconds and the thought of that makes you feel powerful once again.

He's Conceded | Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now