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"Hello Yoongi", Jimin sat down sitting legs crossed. "Why did you call me?" Jimin had stopped hating Yoongi. Jimin finally was at peace with himself.

He was content with every that happened between them.

All the words exchanged, every breathe they inhaled from each other will stay as memory. A lovely fun memory Jimin will have.

"I want to say that I'm sorry for how I treated you after we had our..."

"You can say it was a one night stand Yoongi, that's what it was." Yoongi looked at Jimin who didn't seem upset.

The fire in his eyes was gone.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you after our one night stand." Jimin felt himself go back. "Really?" It wasn't a "really" of cocky-ness nor sarcasm. More like a "really" it's unbelievable.

"Yes, I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that." Yoongi bowed his head down. "Yoongi, why did it take you so long for you to tell me this?" Jimin rested his hand on the older.

Just so the older wouldn't break down.

"I just...I want to be a better person, I feel like I have to fix everything wrong I did..." Jimin smiled. "For (Y/n)?"

Yoongi nodded, "Hopefully (Y/n), will see that I'm changing." Jimin sighed, "Don't get your hopes up, that's a dangerous thing you know."

"Do you where (Y/n) is?" Yoongi gave such a pleading, hopeful look to Jimin.

"You really want to change?" Jimin asked almost in a whisper. "I do, I really do."

"(Y/n), left to Canada."

And there Yoongi went to call Hoseok saying they had to go to Canada. Hoseok called Yoongi crazy and to give it more time.

But Yoongi kept on insisting that time would be running out.

"Let me find out I'm on this flight to find out you mess up again." Hoseok immediately realized it wasn't a funny joke.

"Sorry Yoongi-"

"No, you're right, I hope I don't mess this up either."

"Yes I got my first scenes memorized and- no I'm not- okay thanks Jungkook." You hung up the phone and proceeded to memorize.

"This is too much!" Your head grew hurting more and more.

You went to get some water and shortly after the door bell rang. "So early?" You wondered who it could it be.

You dropped your cup.

"Oh, (Y/n), you spilled your drink!" Hoseok welcomed himself inside looking for some napkins.

"Hey." Was Yoongi could get out. "Hi." Was all you could say.

"Thanks Hoseok but I can clean it," You crotched down trying to pick up the pieces of glass. "You'll hurt yourself let me!" Yoongi began picking up pieces as well.

"You're doing it with your hands! You'll cut yourself!" But it was too late as you saw Yoongi's hand bleeding.

"Come with me, Hoseok could you-"

"On it!"

You brought Yoongi to the guest bathroom.

"What were you thinking?" You said taking out the emergency kit. Only Yoongi kept his eyes on you. "Well? Yoongi what-" you looked back at him.

Then you looked away to get out the bandage.

"(Y/n), I'm working on myself." Yoongi finally felt like he could breathe. "That's good to hear." You concentrated on wrapping the bandage right.

"For you."

That's when you stopped.

"No no! Not for you me!" Yoongi felt confused.

"Do it for yourself Yoongi, not me." You said calmly. "But I want you back..."

"Yoongi, that won't happen, I'm fine on my own, I have a great job now." Yoongi felt like his world was crumbling down.

"Get better for you, for your fans, for your friends, I know Hoseok would love to see you making music again."

"Can I at least get a hug? You're breaking my heart here." You chuckled and hugged Yoongi tight. "I understand." Yoongi said while breaking down.

"I met with Jimin, I apologized to him..." you pulled away, "So that's who told you where I was." Yoongi laughed a little.

"Thank you for respecting my choice Yoongi, you can always count on me to still hear you in your time of need."

Yoongi looked at you smiling with tears flowing down his face. "How are you so sweet?" You punched his shoulder playfully.

"Make yourself proud, love yourself okay? Or else no one will."

Yoongi nodded at your words.

"You'll be okay."

Yoongi wouldn't stop crying that night.

But he had Hoseok and you comforting him. He didn't feel alone. He just felt sad, and like Hoseok said, sadness can be a good thing.

Maybe he won't have you, but he could at least admire you like a far away star.

But for now Yoongi would try to love himself, all of his mistakes and his achievements.


Every pain he caused, every mistake he made, ever selfish decision.

It made him who he was whether he liked it or not.

He's Conceded | Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now