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"(Y/n)?", You heard Yoongi's voice. "Yeah?" You took off the wings, trying to sound as unbothered as possible.

"I just wanted to say uh-" but when you turned to face Yoongi he bit his lip from fear. "Yes?" He stood in place looking at you.

"You're beautiful", he whispered.

Did it catch you off guard? Of course. But Yoongi couldn't know that.

"Thank you, anything else?" You saw Yoongi swallow heavily. To him, he swallowing his pride for once.

"I would like your number...you changed it." You crossed your arms. "No offense but I don't want to give it to you." Your heart tugged because it knew that's not what you wanted to say.

"I understand sorry, you did great..." you noticed how shy and small Yoongi was now.

"Did you uh...hear the song?", he asked.

Of course you did and made you want to cry.

"Was it about me?" You already knew the answer. "No, it was about us." You smiled bitterly. "I gotta go change now, have a nice one." You were heading to get your normal clothes when Yoongi came.


You stood frozen as Yoongi was hugging you from behind.

"Get off." You didn't deserve this. You were finally feeling yourself. You were finally forgetting him. Everything about him.
"You're my everything, I can't let you go again."

"Get off already, you're being...pathetic." You tried to hurt his ego.

"I don't care!"

Except this time it wasn't working.

"JUNGKOOK! SEOKJIN! NAMJOON!" You began yelling and that only caused Yoongi to hold you tighter.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to hug you again.

"Yoongi? What are you doing?" Hoseok came running trying to rip Yoongi from you. "I'm sorry, he just had uh...too much to drink."

"Lies!" Yoongi said angrily while Hoseok was pulling him away. "Hey get away already!" Jungkook came from around the corner telling a paparazzi to leave.

"You okay? I'm sorry for letting you be alone." You didn't say anything. You just interlocked your arms with his. "Let's go please."

This had to be one of the worst shows for you. It was a success but at what cost?

"Are you stupid? Wait no don't answer that." Hoseok drove furiously. "I miss-"

"Are you serious?" Hoseok stopped at a red light glaring at Yoongi. "I asked for (Y/n)'s number, I got a no."

Hoseok smacked Yoongi upside the head. "Fucking idiot! Of course (Y/n), said no!" Yoongi looked out the window feeling defeated.

He had to ask you if you were okay. How had life changed for you. If you felt safe at that company. He wondered how you as a person changed. Were you still a child at heart? Do you still like watching cartoons every morning? Do you have time for that?

"Your image! People will see that you were practically begging!" Hoseok brought up points Yoongi would care about.

"I don't care about that anymore, my stupid ego is what made me l-lose..." Yoongi hit the dashboard.

"Why am I so conceited Hoseok?" Yoongi whispered. "Because of that, I'm miserable...nothing matters anymore."

Hoseok didn't say anything.

He too knew that Yoongi was conceited, he just didn't say it out loud.

Seeing Yoongi realize he was conceited, it would tug anyone's heart.

The big, baddest rapper in the industry is broken and it's his own fault. Yet him realizing so broke him even more. There's no one to blame but himself.

"It's raining." Hoseok said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, it is," Yoongi said while tears began to fall from his eyes.

He's Conceded | Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now