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The first week was hell.

At least it was hell on the outside of the Kims' house. You stayed inside as they were protecting you from malicious comments made all around.

You weren't too effected by the comments, Yoongi's fans don't know the real story and of course it looks bad when you don't. The only thing that effected you was your heart.

You've always been an understanding person but in this circumstance you hated that. You grew wondering how Yoongi could be feeling.

As he eaten?

What if he posts a picture and his face looks thinner? That means he's not taking care of himself.

"What are you thinking about (Y/n)?" Taehyung asked as he sat down next to Jungkook. So what if you're third wheeling, you were too into your thoughts to care.

"Yoongi." That's all you still talked about.

"He's a dick you know! But I can't say that the company I work for hasn't gained any attention. In a way he put our name out there." Jungkook said while resting his head on Taehyung's chest.

"That's one good outcome." You had a weak smile, you were looking for any positive thing about what happened.

"By the way, what are you going to do now (Y/n)?" You cocked your head unsure of what Jungkook meant. "You know Yoongi gave you everything so what's the plan now?" Tae nudged his boyfriend a little for being rude.

"I...haven't thought about that." You looked down at yourself.

What now?

"You could join the company I work for as a model!" You shook your head at the idea.

"Prove people wrong you know? I don't get why you don't go on and say the truth." Taehyung gave a light smack on the younger's head.

"(Y/n), will tell her story when she wants to!" You couldn't help but laugh at how cute Taehyung and Jungkook were.

"A model? Aren't I too chubby?" Jungkook shook his head. "Nope."

"I think it's a good idea, but give it time...you are going to join the same company that has the employee who you're accused of cheating on Yoongi with." You nodded your head at Taehyung's words.

"We're back!" Jin came in with Namjoon next to him. "What's going on?" Namjoon sat himself down undoing his tie.

"I want (Y/n) to be a model." Jin shook his head no while picking up Yeontan. "Jungkook, you're a good kid but if you see it in the public eye-"

"I already explained how (Y/n) should wait." Taehyung said while taking Yeontan back.

"Wait, are you going to do it?" Namjoon asked while you bit your lip. "You can stay here as long as you need but there's a difference with taking some time for yourself and loathing around until the end of time." Namjoon's words made you shiver.

You didn't want to depend on anyone anymore.

"I'll do it on one condition."

The Kims along with Jungkook closed in on you to hear.

"No one mentions the real story of why Yoongi broke up with me, so Taehyung you have to act like Jungkook isn't your boyfriend."

"No!" Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer to him.  You held Tae's hand, "Please! If the public sees Jungkook and you then it would make it seem like Yoongi broke up with me because of a different reason."

"He did break up with you for a different reason." Jin said as he sat down feeling annoyed.

"Well the time isn't right." You said hoping the Kim boys could see your plan.

"Then when will you say the truth?" Namjoon asked.

"When I see Yoongi wanting me back, that's when I'll say what happened."

"You won't actually take him back right?" Jungkook asked.



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