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Valentine's Day edition :D

"I just don't get why it's a 'hassle' for you to spend time with your own girlfriend", Hoseok said as he laid down on Yoongi's couch. "Don't say it like that, it's just, I'm too busy."

"Busy? Yoongi, you make a new song everyday, take a break." Yoongi had a moment of silence. "I write a song everyday?" Hoseok nodded his head, "I always have so many songs available to work on but dude you can rest."

Yoongi shook his head and went back to his lovely computer. "I don't what to say." Hoseok stood up and pushed Yoongi's chair around.

"Hoseok, what the fuck!" Yoongi tried getting up only Hoseok pushed him back onto the chair. "It's Valentine's Day, go spend it with (Y/n), after that don't come to work until your girlfriend says you can!"

Hoseok had pushed Yoongi out of his own studio.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi pounded on the door.

"Hey Yoongi..." the voice belonged to Jimin. "What the fuck, why are you doing here? Security! Come and-"

"I'm not here for you," Jimin said but Yoongi didn't buy it. The light shade of pink coated his cheeks and Yoongi knew Jimin's true intensions.


"Let's talk about (Y/n)." Yoongi pushed his hair back at the younger's words. "What about (Y/n)?"

"I just want to properly apologize to her for-"

"You gave her a damn panic attack! You made her overwhelmed! She fainted and when she woke up she didn't even realize where she was! She just looked at me and-" Yoongi stopped talking and recalled at how the first thing you did was tell him that you love him. For some reason it tugged his heart.

"That's why I want to apologize, after that I'll leave you two alone." Yoongi scoffed. "Okay don't look down on me when you're the one who approached me."

"Fine whatever let's go."


You were eating some take out as you watched a movie. "Another year down the drain!" You said as you stuffed your face with some pizza followed by some fries.

You had your hair down but it wasn't like you had combed it. You were in some baggy clothes with stains due to stuffing your face.

This would make the 2nd year of not spending Valentine's Day with Yoongi.

You were too caught up in your movie that you didn't realize someone had entered.

"Uh, (Y/n)." You turned around slowly then screamed. "When did you two get here? Wait why are you two together?"

"I just want to apologize for the incident at the club, I didn't mean-"

"Oh it's fine, don't worry! It was just my mind bringing things back you know?" You said with a smile on your face.

"What the hell (Y/n), that's it?" Yoongi walked over to you. "Why didn't you- well is this what you do?" You looked down at yourself.

You were somewhat embarrassed.

"I just wasn't expecting anyone, anyways Jimin, could you like leave now?" You couldn't blame Jimin for making you have a panic attack, it just came naturally when you began to recall everything.

That doesn't mean you're okay with being friends with him.

"Right, happy Valentine's Day you two." Jimin began to walk himself out.

"You forgave him too easily."


"You should've made him beg!" You laughed. "Is that what I should have done with you?" Yoongi looked the other way. "Exactly what I thought, besides it wasn't his fault." You stood up dusting away the crumbs.

"(Y/n), you really have a uh, set up here." You glanced over at Yoongi. "Well pardon me but you're never home." Yoongi sat down sighing.

"Hoseok, he said I can't come back to work until you tell me to so, what do you want to do?" This was music to your ears.

"Really?" You ran over him. "Yes."

"Let's go out with our old school uniform on and go on a date!" Yoongi groaned, "No, you're pushing it!"

You bit your lip not realizing Yoongi had been looking at you too much. "What?"


"Surprise me then, make up a date like before."

Yoongi smirked, he liked a challenge.

"What do you mean we're leaving? What do I wear?" You held Yoongi by the wrist. "Something casual I suppose?" You quickly ran back to your closet.

You threw on whatever you could find and called it a day. Truth was, you weren't expecting much.

The date started off by going to a wishing well. You hadn't gone there since your school days. Yoongi and you would always make a wish, mostly on exam days.

Yoongi had given you a coin and you wished for one thing only.

The old Yoongi.

While Yoongi had wished for something different.

To go back to work.

The next destination was going to the Ferris wheel.

"We're going on that?" You happily ran while holding onto Yoongi's sleeve. "If you want to."

"Of course I do!" You went up the steps and Yoongi opened the door for you to step inside.

It was a slow way up since the wheel was old.

"I'm cold get close to me." You commanded and Yoongi shuffled over to you wrapping his arms around you. "Thank you Yoongi."

"What happened now?" Yoongi was lost. "For today, we always go to places I want to go to, had I known you wanted to come here we would've."

For some reason that he did not know, Yoongi, felt bad.

"Am I a bad boyfriend?" He asked while looking over at you. "Mm, sometimes, I always have to be the one planning things, if not we would never see each other."

Yoongi felt more guilt.

"Wait why did we stop?" You began to panic looking down.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the ride has temporarily stopped, we will get this moving soon.

Yoongi didn't know what was happening to him. The worry in your eyes made his heart ache.

"Well I mean, at least we get this nice view!" You looked over at the city and how the lights shine.

Yoongi felt his eyes growing bigger, he was seeing you differently. Was it the light? Something in him was making himself weak by looking at you.

"(Y/n)." You looked back at your boyfriend. "What happened?"

Yoongi was speechless. You were so beautiful.

He was getting weak and he didn't like it.

He's confident, and powerful. He hated how he was becoming only with a look from you.

"Happy Valentine's Day Yoongs!" You kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Yoongi's cheeks began to grow pink.

He hated how he was becoming weak.

And it was all because of you.

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