christmas party

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harrys POV:

"harry your family now, you dont need to thank me for being your dad"

he said and smiled at me. we drove back home. aubrey came up and hugged me.

"how did it go?"

"good, he didnt give us a hard time about anything. we went and left"

i went upstairs to our shared bedroom and i began to unpack my things. i put them in the other dresser.

"we can get another one so your not sharing with michael"

aubrey said as she helped me unpack

"no no its fine, im not gonna make your family buy me a whole other dresser. ill feel bad"

"dont feel bad, your family now"

i smiled at the thought.

"now we have a family party to go to tonight but thats not until later"

i looked at her a kissed her.

"i love you"

"i love you too"

she smiled in the kiss. i finished unpacking

"you can put these pictures wherever harry "

she said in the room while i put my stuff in the bathroom.

we went downstairs and sat in the living room. i checked the time. 3.

we had the party at 5. i played with Michael while aubrey made a pasta salad for the party. Michael really liked this music player he just hit it a million times and laughed when it made a noise. he also liked these animal toys. he started putting his hands in his mouth. i took them out

"no no thats yucky"

i stuck my tongue out and made a grossed out face. i pushed buttons on his music player and he laughed and clapped.

"lets go see mumma"

i picked him up and brought him to aubrey. i put him in his highchair and gave him his toys

"hows it going?"

"pretty good, would you mind starting the brownie mix for me?"

i started making the brownies then aubrey tried to take over

"no babe i got this"

i could feel her staring at me

"what are you lookin at?"

she giggled

"your just so hot when your concentrated"

i kept cooking until they were in the oven. i went over the breakfast bar and leaned over.

"am i really?"

she nodded her head yes. i looked over on her phone and saw she was facetiming hannah.

i waved

"hi hannah!"

she waved back

"guys my moms gonna kill me. again"


"she agreed that i can live sean but i have to call her like 4 times away and i was supposed to call her like an hour ago and i didnt and i called her again and she declined my call!"

Michael let out a cry.

i walked over and grabbed him. i rocked him and he calmed down.

"hannah im sure you wont be that dead. she may have just been pissed but at least you made an effort to call her back?"

i said, i didnt really know what to say, shes in trouble either way, emily walked in.

"whats cookin?"

"brownies harry made them"

i flashed a smile. i handed aubrey Michael and checked on them. they were done so i took them out. it was already 430 so i decided to spruce up before we left. aubrey did the same.

"emily when are we leaving?"

she laughed

"please harry call me mum, and whenever you guys are ready"

aubrey scurried to get all of michaels stuff ready.

"babe stop"

"no harry i need to"

i grabbed her arms

"drop the stuff"

she dropped it

"take a deep breath and relax, your freaking yourself out."

i looked in the bag, she had diapers a change of clothes, some of her things, his bottle and pacifiers.

i looked around and saw his blanket and frog stuffed animal

"you almost forgot this"

i grabbed the blanket and his frog. he didnt use the frog yet but we brought it anyways. and smirked at her and put it in her bag. i pushed her loose hair behind her ears.

"you dont need to freak yourself out babe, im here to help you through it."

she smiled and grabbed the bag and michael then put him in his car seat.

"whats the address again?"

"438 church hill"

"okay well meet you there, want us to take one of them so the cars not so packed?"

i spoke up

"um sure pick your poison"


megan said.

"whatever one is perfect"

i put the emphasis on perfect. alex ran into the car.

"looks like we got a winner"

i said as getting into the car.

michael looked at alex. alex waved and me and aubrey laughed. we drove to her aunts. once we got there i greeted everyone, for most theyve already met me but some havent. i was kind of nervous but not at the same time. they all adored michael too. alex tapped my thigh.

"is santa coming?"

"not right now, but soon!"

"will you read me a bedtime story tonight?"

"of corse i will!"

we pinky promised then he ran off with his friends.

i started talking to aubreys aunt. we talked about how i wanted to be a sports player or a chef. then aubrey walked over.

"aunt heather are you interrogating him?"

"no honey i promise, is this the little devil everyone speaks of?"

"sure is!"

she held him and make silly faces at him and Mickey laughed. then she handed him to me. i bounced him up and down and he played with my hair then started pulling it.

"ow ow okay buddy thats apart of me"

he stopped pulling and started smiling.

hannahs POV:

my moms going to kill me. i was supposed to call her at 2 and i took a catnap and woke up at 3. shell never let me stay at seans now. i went on ft with aubrey and harry told me i should be fine. suddenly there was a knock on the door.


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